| - For the second time in a week, we had the poll result do a near-perfect staircase; ie, the match is barely worth commenting on. But unlike the Fallout 3 > Halo 3 match, this had an unbelievably fun first five minutes. Because for five minutes, Link's Awakening scared the bejeezus out of Final Fantasy 6 and kept the match even. FF6 obviously went on to win in staircase fashion, but a ton of damage was done in that five minutes. Remember when FF6 led LTTP for a few hours in 2004, and it was more or less the beginning of the end for LTTP? Same deal here, but backwards. Any and all FF6 > LTTP pipe dreams died in those five minutes, regardless of any splitting LTTP would deal with. If you let Link's Awakening threaten you for even five minutes, your odds of beating Link to the Past in the divisional final are flat-out zero. Nothing. Especially when you've looked like crap for two rounds going in. I don't know when or why FF6 inherited FF7's voting trends, but they don't work the same. FF7 is a demigod in game contests, it's allowed to suck early. 6 is not.