| - Homer Simpson is a fictional, incompetent Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and the patriarch of the Simpsons. He is also a borderline alcoholic and glutton.
- Homer Jay Simpson (Springfield, 17 marzo 1949) è il più grande pensatore indipendente del nostro secolo, e poco importa se il nostro secolo è cominciato nel 2001. Attualmente lavora come 44-esimo presidente degli Stati Uniti, rieletto da 300 milioni di cloni di sé stesso.
- Homer J. Simpson is a retarded loser from a world where white people are a deep hue of yellow for some reason.
- Homer Simpson is the hero of the t.v. show "The Simpsons", He has a son named Bart, 2 daughters named Lisa and Maggie and a wife named Marge. He is a not so smart man. Ever since he got a crayon in his brain, he has a lot of silly problems and adventures.
- Homer Jay Simpson ist mit Marge Simpson verheiratet und der Vater von Bart,Lisa und Maggie. Er arbeitet als Sicherheitsinspektor des Sektors 7G des Springfielder Atomkraftwerkes, obwohl er an den meisten Unfällen Schuld ist. Im Bezug auf Essen und Bier kann er sich einfach nicht zurückhalten. thumb|left|"D'oh" alais "Nein!"So verbringt er mehr Zeit in Moes Bar als bei seiner Familie. Er ist wohl einer der dümmsten und ungeschicktesten Menschen in der Stadt. Sein Ausspruch "D'oh" ist legendär!
- Homer Jay Simpson ist der Familienvater der Simpsons. Homer arbeitet im Springfield Atomkraftwerk von Mr. Burns als Sicherheitsinspektor im Sektor 7G. Er ist der Vater von Bart, Lisa und Maggie und der Ehemann von Marge und der Sohn von Abe und Mona. Seine besten Freunde sind Barney Gumble, seine Arbeitskollegen Lenny Leonard und Carl Carlson sowie der Barkeeper Moe Szyslak. Homer isst gerne Donuts. Sein Lieblingsgetränk ist Duff-Bier, womit er oft und gerne übertreibt, was ihn in viele mißliche Lagen, sowohl in der Ehe als auch im Gesetz, bringt.
- Homer Jay Simpson bekannt als Homer Simpson,ist der Ehemann von Marge und von Amber, er ist der Vater von Bart,Lisa und Maggie
- Homer Jay Simpson is the protagonist of the American animated TV series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
- Fauler Fettsack. Michis Vorbild.
- Homer Simpson is 39 years of age
- Homer Simpson is the father of 3 kids, Bart, Lisa and Maggie and the husband of Marge. He made a cameo in the recent Denvy episode "The Guy Wearing Underpants. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- homer simpson es el padre debart.
- homer simpson es el padre debart.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Homer Jay Simpson is one of the main characters and the main protagonist from the animated television series The Simpsons and the boorish father of the eponymous family. Voiced by Dan Castellaneta, he and his family originally appeared in short films featured on The Tracey Ullman Show. As one of the show's central characters, Homer has appeared in every Christmas episode of the series.
- Homer Simpson is a German STT for The Simpsons pack. It is already in the actual pack. It was given out with 3 other cards. These were: Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson and Moe Szyslak.
- Homer Simpson is a characther in the Kingdom Hearts games.
- Homer es uno de los personajes principales de Los Simpsons. Es el padre de Bart, Lisa y Maggie. Homer está casado con Marge.
- Homer Jay Simpson is one of the main characters in the program. He has appeared in every episode known.
- Homer Jay Simpson: Post-moderne filosof fra slutten av 1900 til midten av 2000-tallet som flere ganger har både imponert og sjokkert verden med sine refleksjoner over livets små mysterier. Sønn av MacGyver. Etter flere forsøk på å bli borgermester i hjembyen Micronesia ble Homer Simpson endelig i 2006 valgt til borgermester. Homer er enda et familiemedlem av familien Simpson.
- Homer Jay Simpson is the protagonist of the long-running FOX TV show The Simpsons and it 2007 theatrical movie The Simpsons Movie. He is the husband of Marge Simpson and the father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson. Homer is overweight, lazy, and ofter ignorant to the world around him. Though Homer has many flaws he has shown great caring, love, and even bravery to those he cares about.
- Homer Jay Simpson è uno protagonisti de I Simpson doppiato in italiano dalla prima stagione alle ventiquattresima da Tonino Accolla e successivamente da Massimo Lopez. Homer è il personaggio più intriso di significato de I Simpson: egli, infatti, incarna quella parte rozza, scimmiesca e animalesca che alberga nell'anima degli uomini.
- Homer Simpson, også kjent som Max Power og The Pie Man, er faren i familien Simpsons. Han er overvektig, lat og ikke veldig smart. Hans oppførsel er ofte absurd, egoistisk, farlig, klomsete, idiotisk, og ufølsom. Uannsett, han har vist øyeblikk av bra intelligenthet, og kan være en brysom forelder og mann noen ganger. Han elsker å dra til baren Moe's med vennene, Lenny Carl og Barney. Der er han veldig ofte. Homer og Marge Simpson ble forelsket på vidregående skole, og nå har de barna Maggie, Lisa og Bart. High School Etter high school
- Houmeris Džei Simpsonas, taip pat žinomas kaip Houmeris Thompsonas, Max Galingumas ir Pyragžmogis, (gimęs kovo 12) yra Simpsonų Šeimos tėvas. Jis turi antsvorio yra tingus ir dažnai ignoruojamas kitų, tačiau tvirtai atsidavęs savo žmonai ir vaikams. Nepaisant jo žemo intelekto, jis kartais vaizduojamas kaip protingas žmogus, besirūpinantis savo šeima.
- Homer J. Simpson es el personaje principal de la serie animada de televisión Los Simpson. La voz original de Homero en inglés es de Dan Castellaneta. En España fue doblado hasta la undécima temporada por el fallecido Carlos Revilla, a quien sustituye Carlos Ysbert. En Latinoamérica, hasta la decimoquinta temporada (Incluida), estaba doblado por Humberto Vélez, reemplazado desde la temporada siguiente por Victor Manuel Espinoza, conocido también como Otto Balbuena.
- Homer Simpson is het beste voorbeeld van de mannelijke versie van de Homo Sapiens. In feite is hij zelfs rechtstreeks de zoon van God, die zich voor even weer Abraham heette (nl. Abraham J Simpson). Zijn achternaam, Simpson, is in feite gewoon het woord 'Sapiens' in een andere taal, namelijk het Gods. Je mag het zelfs nagaan, het telt evenveel letters en begint met dezelfde letter. Besluit Homer is de rechtstreekse zoon van God die de werelf wil veroveren, is het grote voorbeeld voor elke man en is dik. Zie ook: Criminelen
- Homer Jay Simpson on kuvitteelinen henkilö TV-sarjassa Simpsonit (The Simpsons). Homerin ääninäytteliä on Dan Castellaneta. Homer esiintyi ensi kerran The Tracey Ullman Show -ohjelmassa esitetyissä lyhytelokuvassa, jonka ensinmäisen jakson nimi oli Hyvää yötä (Good Night). Simpsonien luoja Matt Groening antoi hänen nimensä oman isänsä mukaan. Vaikka Simpsonien ensimmäiset jaksot keskittyvätkin Bart Simpsoniin, sarjan edetessä Homer saa enemmän huomiota ja on nykyisin sarjan keskeisin henkilö. Tyhmä, kömpelö, laiska, lapsellinen, ylipainoinen, viinaanmenevä ja työelämässä epäpätevä Homer on jonkinlainen parodia stereotyyppisestä, keski-ikäisestä ja junttimaisesta yhdysvaltalaismiehestä. Homer on naiivi ja alati vaikeuksiin joutuva typerys, mutta toisaalta hän on myös uskollinen vaimolleen j
- Homer Simpson is the lead character in the animated series The Simpsons. In 1995, Fox Mulder remarked that Owen Lee Jarvis looked like Homer Simpson's evil twin. (TXF: "Revelations") In 1998, Gibson Praise watched a scene from The Simpsons involving Homer. (TXF: "The End")
- Homer Jay Simpson is the fictitious main protagonist of the animated television series The Simpsons and father of the eponymous family. His catchphrase, the annoyed grunt "D'oh!", has been included in The New Oxford Dictionary of English since 1998 and the Oxford English Dictionary since 2001. He's one of the supporting characters in MYCUN: The Movie as one of Gabriel's backup friends.
- Homer J. Simpson wäre gerne das Familienoberhaupt der Familie Simpson aus der TV-Serie "Die Simpsons". Er entstand, als O. J. Simpson versuchte, Homer, den Autor der Odyssee, umzubringen. Da Homer aber längst tot war, hatte dies den gegenteiligen Effekt, und so entstand Homer J. Simpson. Außerdem ist er auch Feindbild von
- Homer est né le 18 juin 1956. Il a été éduqué dans une ferme par ses parents, Mona et Abraham. Dans les années 60, pendant qu'Homer avait entre neuf et douze ans, Mona a dû se cacher à cause d'ennuis avec la loi. Suite à ça, Abraham a dû élever Homer seul.
- Homer Jay Simpson (en Suamérica, Homero Jay Simpson) es uno e los presonajes prencipiales e la serie e telefisión e dibujos animaos Los Simpson. Homer s'ha convertio n'uno e los más influyentes presonajes e ficción y ha sio describio por er periódico británico The Sunday Times como la criación cómica mais grande e los tiempos moernos.
- 200px|thumb|Homer Simpson Homer Jay Simpson är pappan i familjen Simpson. Homers röst görs av Dan Castellaneta och han dök upp i tv-rutan, tillsammans med övriga familjen, i kortfilmen "Good Night" som sändes på The Tracey Ullman Show den 19 april 1987. Homer skapades av Matt Groening medan han satt och väntade i lobbyn till James L. Brooks kontor. Groening hade kallats upp till honom för att presentera en serie kortfilmer baserade på Life in Hell, men Groening bestämde sig istället för att skapa en ny grupp figurer. Han döpte figuren efter sin far, Homer Groening. Efter att ha sänts i The Tracey Ullman Show i tre år, fick familjen Simpson sin egen serie på Fox, som hade premiär 17 december 1989.
- thumb|400px|...Filòsof i lliurepensador de pell groga i cap poblada per dos pèls. Es tracta del típic pare de família americà (tot i haver nascut a COGECA ja que s'ha criat en Íscar) de 39 anys d'edat, de poca intel · ligència, poques ganes de treballar i moltes d'emborratxar i veure la televisió atipar-se de productes alts en greix. A Homer no li importa que li truquin obès (perquè no sap el que és), el que realment li molesta és que li truquin gros. Un dels seus majors somnis és convertir-se en una rosquilla gegant de xocolata i farcida de crema.
- Homer Jay Simpson, Sr. (born May 12, 1956.), also known as Homer Samson, Homie, Home-boy, Colonel Homer, Dancin' Homer, Homer Thompson, Max Power, Cornelius Talmadge, El Homo, and The Pie Man, is the protagonist of the show and the spouse of Marge Simpson and the father of Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, and Maggie Simpson. Homer is overweight, lazy, and often ignorant to the world around him. Although Homer has many flaws he has shown great caring, love, and even bravery to those he cares about. He served as the main protagonist of the TV series and the 2007 film.
- Homer Jay Simpson, temporarily known as Max Power, is the father of the Simpson family and the main protagonist of the long-running series in primetime animated, The Simpsons. He is an overweight, lazy and ignorant, but is strongly devoted to his wife and children. Despite this and its below average, which has shown moments of great intellect, intelligence and can be a loving father and husband at times. Homer Simpson works as a safety inspector low level in Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, in Sector G-7, although it is often incompetent and mostly sleeps in the service and donuts provided are eating. He spends much of his time at Moe's Tavern with his lifelong friends Barney, Carl, Lenny, and bartender Moe. At home, often sitting on the couch watching TV while mindlessly eating food and d
- Homer Jay Simpson(also Known as Angry Dad,or A.D in brief) is a yellow guy with some superhuman strength. He loves donuts and is known for his popular phrase "D'oh!" that he says whenever he does something stupid which is quite frequent. One time his "D'oh!" went through space. He once got his hands caught in two vending machines at his work place. He constantly has heart attacks and gets drunk, but because God likes cruel, sick jokes, so he lets him live no matter what thing happens to him. He is a Stupider.
- Homer Simpson je multitalentovaný génius, dobrodruh a životu oddaný hedonista ze známé rodiny Simpsonových. Jeho přemrštěný životní styl a nadpozemská kreativita mu však způsobily mnoho trvalých následků, které se i přes jeho genialitu podepsaly na jeho mentální kapacitě. Během dalších let a vlastně celého života pak Homerovy mentální schopnosti klesaly vlivem degenerativního simpsonvského genu, který se vyskytuje jen na chromozomu Y a postihuje jen muže. To postupně zapříčinilo ztrátu dalších 50 bodů.
- Homer Simpson is some kind of yellow goo shapped to look like a human. He loves donuts and is known for his phrase "d'oh!" that he says whenever he does something stupid which is always. One time his "D'oh!" went through space. He once got his hands caught in 2 candy machines at his work place. He constantly has heart attacks and gets drunk. He claims to have a wife named Marge and three kids named Bart, Lisa, and Maggie but this has been proven false and that he just made them up because no one would talk to him. It is unknown if Homer is actually a human or not, but most people's IQ is between 85 and 100 but Homer's is -7532 cause he drinks TOO MUCH BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Many people say he is an alien spy and is working for someone called Lenny Leonard. Many people have tried to kill him in
- Hair: None (formerly brown) Clothing: White shirt, blue trousers, white socks, and black shoes Allies: Marge (wife), Bart, Lisa and Maggie (children), Emma Goodall (his son's girlfriend), Abe (father), Mona (mother, deceased), Herb Powell (half-brother), Patty and Selma (sister-in-laws), Barney Gumble (best friend), Ling (adopted niece), Lenny and Carl (second best friends), Moe Syzlak, Krusty, Dr. Hibbert, others Enemies: Russ Cargill, Charles Montgomery Burns (presumably), Ned Flanders (neighbour, sometimes), Lyle Lanley, Fat Tony