Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is a Touhou Project character who debuted as the final boss of Double Dealing Character. She is an inchling living in the Shining Needle Castle. As an inchling, she is able to use the Lucky Mallet, the inchlings' most sacred treasures capable of granting wishes and mostly used for size-changing. She wanted to give weapons and inanimate objects the ability to express themselves, so she used the power of the Lucky Mallet to do so. Her wish was granted, but it came with the unfortunate side-effect of giving unimaginable power to the youkai. This was the cause of the Youkai Rebellion. She later appeared as a playable character in Urban Legend in Limbo.
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| - Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
- Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
- Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
| - Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is a Touhou Project character who debuted as the final boss of Double Dealing Character. She is an inchling living in the Shining Needle Castle. As an inchling, she is able to use the Lucky Mallet, the inchlings' most sacred treasures capable of granting wishes and mostly used for size-changing. She wanted to give weapons and inanimate objects the ability to express themselves, so she used the power of the Lucky Mallet to do so. Her wish was granted, but it came with the unfortunate side-effect of giving unimaginable power to the youkai. This was the cause of the Youkai Rebellion. She later appeared as a playable character in Urban Legend in Limbo.
- Es la descendiente del Enano Issun-Boushi, así como la Jefa del Nivel 6 de Double Dealing Character. Categoría:Personajes
- Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is the final boss of Touhou Double Dealing Character, a young kobito (dwarf-like race), currently living in the Shining Needle Castle. She was manipulated by Seija into causing the events of said game, by using her Lucky Mallet to turn the world into one where the weak could overthrow the strong. The young kobito returns in Impossible Spell Card and once again in her debut as a playable character in Urban Legend in Limbo.
- Shinmyoumaru Sukuna é um Kobito e é o chefe final do Double Dealing Character , Ela é a única pessoa capaz de usar o martelo de sorte. Categoria:Traduzir/Editar Shinmyoumaru é uma jovem Ichling (Kobito) que reside em Shining Needle Castle . Antes de Double Dealing Character ela ignorava a existência da Miracle Mallet . Shinmyoumaru age como um criança aponto de aceitar a "fictícia" historia que Seija Kijin conta a ela para poder esta se aliar a Seija .
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| - *Double Dealing Character
*Impossible Spell Card
*Urban Legend in Limbo
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| - Capacidade de usar o Lucky Mallet
- Capaz de usar el Lucky Mallet y hacer grandes o chicas las cosas.
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| - Lleva un kimono rosado con un diseño a rayas, unas flores y un Obi negro. Ella tiene un recipiente negro que cubre su cabeza con un patrón de flores en el borde. En la mano izquierda lleva el Lucky Mallet, y en su mano derecha, una aguja de coser que brilla, de ahí el nombre de "Shining Needle Sword". El tazón, el mazo y la aguja son las posesiones emblemáticas de Issun-Boushi, y su diseño se basa en gran medida a él. El poder del Lucky Mallet forma un círculo a su alrededor, lo que representa cómo el mazo toma el pago equivalente a los deseos que otorga. No lleva ningún tipo de calzado. Ella parece ser del tamaño de un niño pequeño en el juego.
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Row 2 info
| - Descendant of the Dwarf, Dubious! Inchling in Green
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| - Castillo de la Aguja Brillante
Row 5 info
| - Ability to use the Lucky Mallet
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| - 少名 針妙丸(すくな しんみょうまる)
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
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| - *Double Dealing Character
*Impossible Spell Card
| - * Shinmyoumaru tem cabelo roxo curto e olhos castanhos. Veste um quimono rosa com obi preto e vestido de babados embaixo. Tem uma bacia preta com decorações douradas como um chapéu. Detém uma agulha na mão direita, enquanto o Lucky Mallet está sendo realizada na mão esquerda. Sua altura é curta, já que ela é um anão.
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| - *Descendiente de los Kobito
*Dudoso! Inchling en Verde
| - *Reimu Hakurei
*Seija Kijin
*Benben Tsukumo
*Yatsuhashi Tsukumo
| - Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is a Touhou Project character who debuted as the final boss of Double Dealing Character. She is an inchling living in the Shining Needle Castle. As an inchling, she is able to use the Lucky Mallet, the inchlings' most sacred treasures capable of granting wishes and mostly used for size-changing. She wanted to give weapons and inanimate objects the ability to express themselves, so she used the power of the Lucky Mallet to do so. Her wish was granted, but it came with the unfortunate side-effect of giving unimaginable power to the youkai. This was the cause of the Youkai Rebellion. She later appeared as a playable character in Urban Legend in Limbo.