| - Tier: Low 0 Names: Heaven Ascension Dio, Heaven Dio, The Fiction Soloer Origin: fanfiction.net Gender: Irrelevant Age: Irrelevant Classification: The ultimate God Powers and Abilities: Ability to rewrite reality without any restrictions, on any dimensional scale and completely instantly Attack Potency: Low True Infinity (can rewrite reality to erase everything) Speed: Above Infinity (was faster than GER, which was totally not PIS or inconsistency between canon and non-canon, even though EoH was not written by Araki, and GER have infinite speed because he was able to survive to time being erased so of course that means he can exist outside of time whenever he wants, so the intent was clearly to give him infinite speed (it's a well known fact that Jojo care about science a lot)), can rewrite reality to make himself even faster Lifting Strength: Low True Infinity (can rewrite reality to increase it) Striking Strength: Low True Infinity (no matter what he touches, even if it's intangible or higher dimensional or conceptual or whatever, he can rewrite it) Durability: Low True Infinity (can make himself immunized to anything) Stamina: Low True Infinity (can rewrite reality if he's tired) Range: Low True Infinity (can also rewrite The World Over Heaven's range) Standard Equipment: Anything he wants (can rewrite reality to give himself weapons) Intelligence: A bit below average (that's why he was defeated), can rewrite it Weaknesses: The only character in fiction that can beat him is Novel Kars