| - "Pilot, Part 2"
* Still conscious in her seat next to Edward Mars, Kate is fully aware that the tail of the plane breaks off before watching in horror as the nose also shears away. "A Tale of Two Cities"
* At the Barracks, the Others watch as Oceanic Flight 815 breaks apart above the Island. Benjamin Linus, anticipating that there will be survivors, orders Goodwin Stanhope and Ethan Rom to run to the crash sites of the tail section and fuselage, respectively. Seeing that Juliet Burke is holding a copy of Stephen King's Carrie, he comments to her that he must be out of the book club. "Exposé"
| - "Pilot, Part 2"
* Still conscious in her seat next to Edward Mars, Kate is fully aware that the tail of the plane breaks off before watching in horror as the nose also shears away. "A Tale of Two Cities"
* At the Barracks, the Others watch as Oceanic Flight 815 breaks apart above the Island. Benjamin Linus, anticipating that there will be survivors, orders Goodwin Stanhope and Ethan Rom to run to the crash sites of the tail section and fuselage, respectively. Seeing that Juliet Burke is holding a copy of Stephen King's Carrie, he comments to her that he must be out of the book club. "So It Begins"
* In the jungle immediately after the crash, Vincent runs amongst scattered pieces of luggage before coming upon a pair of white shoes worn by a man in a suit - Christian Shephard. Christian pets him briefly before telling the dog to go find his son. "He has work to do." "Pilot, Part 1"
* Jack Shephard awakens in a bamboo thicket, and sees Vincent run past. He gets to his feet and makes his way to the beach, where the survivors are panicking and calling out for their loved ones. "Walkabout"
* John Locke discovers that he can use his legs again. "Pilot, Part 1"
* Jack, Locke, and another survivor pull Tourniquet man out from under a piece of wreckage. Gary Troup is killed when he is sucked into one of Flight 815's engines. Jack gets Hugo "Hurley" Reyes to watch Claire Littleton and, after Boone Carlyle's failed attempt, manages to resuscitate Rose Nadler. "Exposé"
* Nikki Fernandez searches through the wreckage for Paulo. She finds Leslie Arzt panicking, Boone asks her for a pen, and she finally finds Paulo staring out at the ocean, stunned. She immediately asks where the bag of diamonds is. "The Other 48 Days"
* Meanwhile, Ana Lucia Cortez and Eko Tunde rescue tail section survivors. Ana Lucia resuscitates Emma, and promises to get her and Zach home to their mother. Elizabeth "Libby" Smith resets Donald's leg.
* Approximately 10 minutes after the crash, Goodwin rushes out of the jungle calling for help to rescue Bernard Nadler from a tree. "One of Us"
* Immediately after the crash, Ben takes Juliet to visit The Flame communications station. A video link to Florida shows that Juliet's sister is alive and has a son. There is News footage of the missing plane. Mikhail Bakunin begins to gather information on Oceanic Flight 815's passengers and crew. "Pilot, Part 1"
* Jack gets Kate Austen to stitch his wound while he tells her the Count to five story. "The Other 48 Days"
* Bernard asks Eko if he has found Rose, Bernard's wife. Eko says he will pray for her and for rescue. Goodwin tells Ana Lucia he is with the Peace Corps. "Greatest Hits"
* Later that night, Charlie Pace' relationship with Claire begins when he starts to help and reassure her after the crash. "Pilot, Part 1"
* Charlie and Sayid Jarrah build a signal fire. Boone and Shannon Rutherford discuss rescue, Hurley distributes food, Michael Dawson looks after Walter Lloyd, Jin-Soo Kwon tells Sun-Hwa Kwon to stay close, and Jack looks after Edward Mars.
* Jack and Kate make a plan to find the cockpit in an effort to obtain the transceiver.
* In the jungle near the mid-section crash site, the Monster uproots trees and makes frightening noises to the dismay of the survivors. "The Other 48 Days"
* The Others kidnap three of the tail section survivors. They try to take Eko, but he fights them off, killing two. "Ji Yeon"
* We later see this date inscribed on Jin's grave off the island.