"The D.A.R.E Song" is a single by Moon Man, released on March 23rd, 2016 by AquaMassage (under the name "Moonman Dares."). It is a reworking of "I Will D.A.R.E." by Teresa Jennings.
"The D.A.R.E Song" is a single by Moon Man, released on March 23rd, 2016 by AquaMassage (under the name "Moonman Dares."). It is a reworking of "I Will D.A.R.E." by Teresa Jennings.
"The D.A.R.E Song" is a single by Moon Man, released on March 23rd, 2016 by AquaMassage (under the name "Moonman Dares."). It is a reworking of "I Will D.A.R.E." by Teresa Jennings.