To respawn loot in the default treasure systems, a few changes to some standard scripts are required. In addition, it is assumed that the placeables containing the treasure have not been destroyed; these changes respawn the loot, not the treasure chests. Furthermore, these changes do not check to see if items were taken; one can open a chest, close it, and re-open it some time later and see double treasure.
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| - To respawn loot in the default treasure systems, a few changes to some standard scripts are required. In addition, it is assumed that the placeables containing the treasure have not been destroyed; these changes respawn the loot, not the treasure chests. Furthermore, these changes do not check to see if items were taken; one can open a chest, close it, and re-open it some time later and see double treasure.
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| - To respawn loot in the default treasure systems, a few changes to some standard scripts are required. In addition, it is assumed that the placeables containing the treasure have not been destroyed; these changes respawn the loot, not the treasure chests. Furthermore, these changes do not check to see if items were taken; one can open a chest, close it, and re-open it some time later and see double treasure. When standard scripts are saved in a module, they will replace the BioWare version within that module, and only within that module. Once they have been manually saved via the script editor, they can be recompiled as part of building the module.