| - Tons of them.
* Diane's ballet tape. We never actually get to see the video, but the reaction by the gang at Cheers is hysterical.
* How about Frasier and Lilith's "debate" back in season 5?
* Freddie Crane's first word. "NORM!"
* "Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?"
* Sam's complete breakdown during the last act of "Bad Neighbor Sam".
* Sam and Diane's "almost" wedding: shot from over the minister's shoulder, showing all the money being passed around behind Sam and Diane to pay off bets whether they would or not.
* Eddie LeBec discovers Carla's pregnant with twins: "This is the happiest night of my life!"
* Frasier: So you're saying I'm redundant? I repeat myself? I say the same thing over and over again?
* Any and all of Diane's putdowns on Sam's love life.
* Cliffy's Big Score is a classic episode. Especially when Carla meets her date, Lucas.
* Carla sums it up:
* The funniest part is that Carla finds Lucas is a "real groove" when all they do all night is have sex in the back of Cliff's car.
* On Cliff getting Maggie pregnant:
* Also Frasier's take:
* Any and all of the stories about Woody's family.
* Sam's rap song on I On Sports:
* The funniest part? Woody loves it.
* Of course, Sam takes the badness Up to Eleven by bringing a ventriloquist dummy on his next outing. It's so bad, Carla exclaims, "Oh. My. God." and Rebecca mutters, "If he mentions the bar, he's fired."
* Almost every cold opening. Some favorites include:
* Everyone in the bar stuck in the men's room. Then someone tries to use it, and everyone shouts "Occupied!"
* Norm trying to explain economics to Woody by tearing up one of Cliff's dollar bills. Carla then decides to do it with a $20 bill.
* Woody, cleaning up, listens to an ad for a stenographers' school on the radio. He tries to write the phone number, but can't, and goes back on to listening.
* "The Days of Wine and Neuroses" begins with most of the regulars complaining about the jukebox being taken out for repairs and how its replacement, a karaoke machine, is not something they could ever imagine using. Frasier spends the entire scene loudly protesting that they never used the jukebox in the first place.
* Once the karaoke machine arrives, Norm and Cliff singing "Lollipop" turns into a Running Gag.
* A real-life example during a Q&A with cast and crew members sometime after a bridge was dropped on Eddie. Jay Thomas popped up and asked in front of the audience, "Yeah, why did I die?" The audience erupted into laughter as a result. May double as a CMOA depending on your point-of-view on the whole thing.
* This exchange:
* In one episode, Woody gets a part in the play Hair- only to learn part of it traditionally involves being naked on-stage. Throughout the episode, he's nervous over the prospect and tries to muster the courage to do it. Later after the first performance, an embarrassed Woody returns to the bar. He did get naked on-stage - even ripping his clothes right off... before the aforementioned scene actually happened.
* Cliff and Norm discussing Casper the Friendly Ghost:
* Reality Subtext coupled with a Take That: "Why would an actress leave in the middle of a successful series?"
* Which was Lampshaded on The Simpsons episode "Flaming Moe's", in which the Diane Expy leaves Moe's.
* Frasier's adaptation of "A Tale Of Two Cities" to the bar.
* In an early episode, after the Red Sox lose again, Carla gets on a bar stool and announces that she is no longer a Red Sox fan, and everyone else in the bar says the rant alongside her, showing that she had said it multiple times.
* Rebecca is trying to buy the bar from Sam. Meanwhile, the bar is out of vermouth and Sam keeps dropping hints.
* Anybody want a my tie?
* In "Endless Slumper", Diane and Rick have an epic One Dialogue, Two Conversations scene:
* In the series finale, when Rebecca keeps neurotically changing her mind about whether Fraiser should call back her plumber boyfriend/fiancee. Fraiser finally gets fed up, throws open the door and theatrically shouts: "Run, Don! Run like the wind!"