The plot centers around Tim, now living on a quiet farm in North Dakota, after rescuing prisoners of war held captive in Vietnam in the previous film. He has given up killing, but one day the US Government pays him a visit to again recruit his help, revealing his family has been kidnapped by Communists. He returns to battle, venturing into Cambodia with his ex-teammate Ho Chi, killing over 25,000 people with his survival knife alone, in order to rescue his family. Ho Chi is killed during the fighting, and this motivates Tim to shoot and kill even more people with his bazooka.
Attributes | Values |
| - Exploder: Evacuator Part II
| - The plot centers around Tim, now living on a quiet farm in North Dakota, after rescuing prisoners of war held captive in Vietnam in the previous film. He has given up killing, but one day the US Government pays him a visit to again recruit his help, revealing his family has been kidnapped by Communists. He returns to battle, venturing into Cambodia with his ex-teammate Ho Chi, killing over 25,000 people with his survival knife alone, in order to rescue his family. Ho Chi is killed during the fighting, and this motivates Tim to shoot and kill even more people with his bazooka.
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| - The plot centers around Tim, now living on a quiet farm in North Dakota, after rescuing prisoners of war held captive in Vietnam in the previous film. He has given up killing, but one day the US Government pays him a visit to again recruit his help, revealing his family has been kidnapped by Communists. He returns to battle, venturing into Cambodia with his ex-teammate Ho Chi, killing over 25,000 people with his survival knife alone, in order to rescue his family. Ho Chi is killed during the fighting, and this motivates Tim to shoot and kill even more people with his bazooka.