| - (Enemies) The self appointed ‘Elite’ of the school. If the school had inter-mural athletics, these guys would be the jocks. “So much noblesse, and not lick of oblige in sight.” Adam Ironknife It seems to be a rule that in every group of humans that numbers over one hundred, the group will be break up into smaller groups, and one of these groups will declare itself an ‘elite’. The ‘Alphas’ are Whateley’s self-appointed elite. More than a clique, the Alphas are an uber-clique, a grouping of smaller sets that identify themselves as superior to the run of the mill student. Ever since the ‘exemplar’ trait was identified in 1982, exemplars have been an almost defining aspect of the Alpha cliques. Still, being an exemplar doesn’t guarantee someone entry into an Alpha set, nor does not being an ex
| - (Enemies) The self appointed ‘Elite’ of the school. If the school had inter-mural athletics, these guys would be the jocks. “So much noblesse, and not lick of oblige in sight.” Adam Ironknife It seems to be a rule that in every group of humans that numbers over one hundred, the group will be break up into smaller groups, and one of these groups will declare itself an ‘elite’. The ‘Alphas’ are Whateley’s self-appointed elite. More than a clique, the Alphas are an uber-clique, a grouping of smaller sets that identify themselves as superior to the run of the mill student. Ever since the ‘exemplar’ trait was identified in 1982, exemplars have been an almost defining aspect of the Alpha cliques. Still, being an exemplar doesn’t guarantee someone entry into an Alpha set, nor does not being an exemplar bar someone from an Alpha set. While exemplars are the largest segment of the Alphas, package deal psychics and avatars are also routinely considered, and other trait-groupings are considered on an individual basis. The real criteria are good looks and personal dynamism; the Alphas regard themselves as leaders, and you have to look and act the part in order to get be accepted as an Alpha. Students with Gross Structural Distrophy and Hawthorne inmates need not apply. The Alphas have experienced high and low points in their power at Whateley. There have been periods where they were almost as powerful as the faculty; there have been periods where they were a joke, a group of posturing ninnies telling each other that they were important. The Alphas are currently enjoying a period when then are taken rather seriously, and have a lot of social power. This is due largely to the influence of a student- since graduated- called Freya. Freya had the psychic power and the social grace to dominate the Whateley scene for her entire four years there. She also cultivated a ‘court’ around her that more or less established the Alphas as THE hip and happening crowd. In Freya’s senior year, Kodiak expected to take over the top position. But two of Don Sebastiano’s rivals returned from Christmas break as complete mind-slaves (read Cavalier’s write-up). In the wake of that coup, The Don has become the undisputed leader following Freya.
* Freya (5F) The queen of the court, now GRADUATED
* Don Sebastiano (3M) Alpha male among the alphas. Selfish and immature. Call him, “The Don”
* Hekate (3F) Alpha female
* Kodiak (4M) Almost got alpha-male spot. Big, strong, “I don’t respect you until you can face up to me”
* Aries (3M) The Don’s main thug and muscle. Prefers practical jokes to bullying.
* Bogus (2M) The Don’s toady. Shifter, duplicates people for nasty pranks.
* Cavalier (3M) The Don’s mind slave. Former rival, now valet.
* Skybolt (3F) The Don’s mind slave. Former romantic dis-interest, now bed-slave.
* Bluejay (2M) A wiseass, just likes the alphas for the laughs. Very powerful, his own man.
* Solange (3F) Wants leadership spot. School’s lead model
* Icer (3M) “alpha hit squad”
* Hamper & Damper (2M) “alpha hit squad” Identical twins The Young Turks A loose collection of Alpha hopefuls (see below)