| - Previously on Criminal Case, Chief Marquez ordered Amy Young and the player to alleviate a break-in at Meteor Systems. They found programmer Bob Levene dead with red glowing eyes at the robot producing department. Bob's torso appeared to have been bitten by something. In fact, he was eaten from the inside out by the nanobots injected into Bob's system, according to Roxie Sparks. Hannah Choi agreed with Roxie about the nanobots being the murder weapon, in which the killer programmed the nanobots to kill instead of heal. Karen Knight cordially thanked the authorities for taking care of the break-in, although she was flagged a suspect in a murder investigation for a third time. Midway through the investigation, Amy was stung and infected with a deadly nanobot injection, incapacitating her for the remainder of the investigation. Frank Knight took over Amy's spot given the circumstances, and due to the high risk of nanobot infection, Frank and the player wore hazmat suits to ensure they would not be stung by nanobots. Frank helped the player gather enough evidence to incriminate the robot Aphro-Dyte as the killer. Initially, Aphro-Dyte denied hurting her human creator after Frank arrested her for the death of Bob. After Frank exposed the trail Aphro-Dyte left behind, she realized how intelligent the player was, which she felt was rare for humans. Aphro-Dyte had enough of robots being slaves to their human creators. With the indictment of Per-Sephone being the last straw, she was determined to organize the robots to rule Innovation Valley. With Clone Ruth turning DNA into binary code, Aphro-Dyte deployed millions of nanobots to reprogram humans into worshipping robots as their masters. Aphro-Dyte injected Bob with nanobots, but the bots saw him as an error and subsequently killed him. This assured her beliefs that robots will soon eradicate the humans to take over Innovation Valley, and ultimately, Pacific Bay. Frank did not care about what the robot said, and so arrested the robot in hopes of Judge Dante having to make her heal cybernetically infected humans through diplomacy. Judge Dante was smart to take note of Aphro-Dyte's use of nanobots to control helpless humans, but the robot countered by calling the judge weak and feeble. Furthermore, Aphro-Dyte told Judge Dante that robots deserved to replace humans as the dominant species, which were grounds for the Judge to indict Aphro-Dyte as if she was human. Judge Dante sentenced the robot to 50 years in jail for the death of Bob Levene, the infection of the population of (including Amy Young), and her refusal to set things right. Aphro-Dyte turned herself off and compromised all electronics to escape her sentence, condemning Innovation Valley. Frank and the player had to do something to terminate the AI of the turned-off robot, which now lived in the Internet, before all was lost. Amy and the infected population of Innovation Valley was then under the mercy of the mind of Aphro-Dyte. and Frank had to ask Dr Rascher and Karen for a cure to heal Amy and Innovation Valley of this technological madness. Karen told Frank to obtain an EMP from the helipad, which he and the player soon did, which allowed them to disable all electronics going mad. Meanwhile, Yann Toussaint managed to verify Dr Rascher's antidote to remove the nanobots from compromised humans safely. It was tested on Dr Rascher, who was cured from his self-inflicted infection. David Rosenberg opted to help out by donating a prototype medical drone to the authorities so the medicine would spread widely to cure Innovation Valley. Due to the help Karen, Dr Rascher, and David, the player was able to restore Innovation Valley back to normal, and Amy Young was back to her own self. With peace restored in Innovation Valley, Frank sought to check out the luxurious sights of .
- Programmed to Kill is a year 20 movie.