| - Character of the brazilian soap opera Mulheres Apaixonadas
- Marcos Enginnering was a British sports car manufacturer. The name derives from the surnames of founders Jem Marsh and Frank Costin. The company has since been featured in Gran Turismo 4.
- E' coinvolto nelle quest *Minatori e minerale dopo aver portato i rinforzi a Marcos tornate a parlargli per un po di esperienza.
- Marcos was Tess Mercer and Oliver Queen's abductor. He planned to ransom the two but they stopped him and wounded him. He returned for revenge many years later and poisoned Oliver Queen and his date, Adrianna. He attacked Tess Mercer, but was stopped by Clark Kent.
- Still a young child when Dr. Robotnik attacked the Wolves, he fled with his sister and father while others under his mother remained to fight. All three were captured and Roboticized during the rule of Doctor Eggman by the Robian Sir Charles Hedgehog and were later joined by Lupe. All of them eventually regained their free will, and even forgave Charles for his actions under Eggman's control. Like the rest of the Robians, Marcos was restored to normal by the Bem, and joined the rest of his family in the Wolf Pack Freedom Fighters. They were briefly menaced by the Nanites controlled by A.D.A.M., but managed to escape. (StH: #67, #100, #112, #123 #152, SSS: #11)
- Marcos was a terrorist with the Black January Liberation Movement. He led the gang that hijacked a nuclear airship travelling over New York city and tried to turn it into a bomb and detonate it over the Empire State Building. The plan was foiled by John Probe who happened to be among the passengers. Marcos was killed when Probe ripped off the walkway Marcos was standing on on top of the airship, and he fell into the propellers.
- Hello there, here Marcos
- Marcos is a man who appeared in "Recovery".
- Marcos es un lobo Mobian e hijo de Lupe y Lobo. Tiene una hermana llamada Maria.thumb|Marcos.
- Marcos was a character who appeared from Season 11-12. Marcos also appeared in Season 14. He made a He was played by Jeremy Becerra.
- Marcos ist der Zwillingsbruder von Maraborne. Von Geburt an getrennt aufgewachsen, entwickelte sich Marcos zu einem zwar genauso kalulierendem, wenn auch gefühlsmässig härterem Magus als sein Bruder. Marcos wurde im Schatten der Kol'abaha als einer der Verfechter von Projekt Wiederkehr auf. Seine Spur verliert sich aber vollständig nach dem Krieg der Tore. (Quelle: 4._Gipfelkonferenz) File:Kay Eriya Bild 02.jpg File:ArM5LogoColor.jpg Kay Eriya-Beiträge von BelniFore, HaraScon, KainNiemand und MaWelt. Deine Meinung: Talk:Kay Eriya.
- Marcos – paladyn, występujący w Gothic II oraz Gothic II: Noc Kruka.
- Marcos ist ein Mitglied des ehemaligen Wolf Packs (jetziger Name heißt Wolf Pack Nation), der Sohn von Lobo und Lupe und der Bruder von Maria.
- <default>MARCOS</default> Тип: Род занятий: Время деятельности: Родина: Место действия: Оружие: Боевая техника: Доспехи: Враги: Символ: MARCOS (сокр. от Marine Commandos) или Крокодилы — подразделение боевых пловцов ВМФ Индии.
- During the First Robotnik War, the wolves of the Great Unknown drew lots to decide who would fight and who would stay behind to protect the others; Marcos's mother Lupe left to form the Wolf Pack Freedom Fighters while his father Lobo stayed behind with Marcos and his sister Maria. Unfortunately, at some point all three were captured and roboticized. When Lupe's pack returned to the ruins of their city, a roboticized Sir Charles Hedgehog forced her to also submit to the process lest her family be dismantled. (SSS: #11)
- Marcos is a military leader in Ming Jol-ik's government.
- Marcos is an Attorney General. According to Mediabreak, he approved the ED-209 combat unit for deployment in five American cities, despite widespread complaints of malfunction.
- Comandante Marcos (Date of birth unknown), is the spokesperson for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a Mexican rebel movement. In January 1994, he led an army of Mayan farmers into the eastern parts of the Mexican state of Chiapas in protest of the Mexican government's treatment of indigenous peoples, a battle that was later referred to as the "Gran Lucha" and the beginning of the War of National Liberation. The nom de guerre "Marcos" is the name of a friend killed at a military road checkpoint. He is only seen wearing a balaclava, and his true identity remains unknown.
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "¡Ieeepa! ¡Me la gozo! ¡Agusto es poco!" — Marcos O. "¡¡¡Me están vejando!!!" — Marcos gritando en Campus después de que Barca le invitase a una copa que previamente había aceptado. "¿Quién no se ha hecho una paja pensando en la raja del culo de Charmander?" — Marcos, confesando sus fantasías en el Lecumberri. "Eso si que son cebras de calidad" — Marcos, mientras miraba en Dublín un póster lleno de jirafas. Marcos, suave colegial del Negro, procedente de Pamplona, nacido en 1986.