Dragon Shrines are small rooms that contain a statue of a dragon. Interacting with the statue will save your progress and heal the party. There is also a few Dragon Shrines scattered across the map in which Ryu is tested to obtain the power of the Dragon. List of the Light Dragon Shrines with trials 1.
* South of Taunter 2.
* West of Gant must travel through the fortress to reach 3.
* North West of Gust on an Island 4.
* Mystic Water Cave
Attributes | Values |
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| - Dragon Shrines are small rooms that contain a statue of a dragon. Interacting with the statue will save your progress and heal the party. There is also a few Dragon Shrines scattered across the map in which Ryu is tested to obtain the power of the Dragon. List of the Light Dragon Shrines with trials 1.
* South of Taunter 2.
* West of Gant must travel through the fortress to reach 3.
* North West of Gust on an Island 4.
* Mystic Water Cave
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fr name
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es lore
| - Manda al Cementerio 1 monstruo de Tipo Dragón en tu Deck y después, si ese monstruo en tu Cementerio es un Monstruo Normal de Tipo Dragón, puedes mandar al Cementerio a otro monstruo más de Tipo Dragón en tu Deck. Sólo puedes activar 1 "Santuario de Dragones" por turno.
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ja lore
| - 「竜の霊廟」は1ターンに1枚しか発動できない。①:デッキからドラゴン族モンスター1体を墓地へ送る。さらにこの効果で墓地へ送られたモンスターがドラゴン族の通常モンスターだった場合、デッキからドラゴン族モンスター1体を墓地へ送る事ができる。
it lore
| - Manda 1 mostro di Tipo Drago dal tuo Deck al Cimitero, poi, se quel mostro nel tuo Cimitero è un Mostro Normale di Tipo Drago, puoi mandare 1 altro mostro di Tipo Drago dal tuo Deck al Cimitero. Puoi attivare solo 1 "Reliquiario del Drago" per turno.
pt name
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| - Send 1 Dragon monster from your Deck to the GY, then, if that monster in your GY is a Dragon Normal Monster, you can send 1 more Dragon monster from your Deck to the GY. You can only activate 1 "Dragon Shrine" per turn.
pt lore
| - Envie 1 monstro do Tipo Dragão do seu Deck para o Cemitério e, depois, se esse monstro no seu Cemitério for um Monstro Normal do Tipo Dragão, você pode enviar mais 1 monstro do Tipo Dragão do seu Deck para o Cemitério. Você só pode ativar 1 "Santuário do "Dragão" por turno.
zh lore
| - 從牌組將1只龍族怪獸送入墓地。若送入墓地的是龍族的通常怪獸,則可以再從牌組將1只龍族怪獸送入墓地。1個回合只能發動1張「龍之靈廟」。
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ko lore
| - "용의 영묘"는 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없다. ①: 덱에서 드래곤족 몬스터 1장을 묘지로 보낸다. 또한 이 효과로 묘지로 보내진 몬스터가 드래곤족의 일반 몬스터였을 경우, 덱에서 드래곤족 몬스터 1장을 묘지로 보낼 수 있다.
de lore
| - Lege 1 Monster vom Typ Drache von deinem Deck auf den Friedhof, dann, falls das Monster in deinem Friedhof ein Normales Monster vom Typ Drache ist, kannst du 1 weiteres Monster vom Typ Drache von deinem Deck auf den Friedhof legen. Du kannst nur 1 „Drachenschrein“ pro Spielzug aktivieren.
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fr lore
| - Envoyez 1 monstre de Type Dragon depuis votre Deck au Cimetière, puis, si le monstre dans votre Cimetière est un Monstre Normal de Type Dragon, vous pouvez envoyer 1 monstre de Type Dragon supplémentaire depuis votre Deck au Cimetière. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Sanctuaire du Dragon" par tour.
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| - * Dragon
* Normal Monster
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Ja Name
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| - Sends from your Deck to your Graveyard
| - Dragon Shrines are small rooms that contain a statue of a dragon. Interacting with the statue will save your progress and heal the party. There is also a few Dragon Shrines scattered across the map in which Ryu is tested to obtain the power of the Dragon. List of the Light Dragon Shrines with trials 1.
* South of Taunter 2.
* West of Gant must travel through the fortress to reach 3.
* North West of Gust on an Island 4.
* Mystic Water Cave