Monster Level: Unknown Hit Points: 32 Damage: 3 - 8 Armour: Unknown Base Experience: 35 Combat Messages: Suddenly, the Elder Brown Bear charges at you! (Damage: Physical Slamming). The Elder Brown Bear chomps at you! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). The Elder Brown Bear raises a foot and stomps on you! (Damage: Physical Crushing). The Elder Brown Bear stomps on you! (Damage: Physical Crushing). You attempt to dodge a chomping attack! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). You attempt to dodge, as the Elder Brown Bear attempts to chomp at your flesh! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). (Damage: Physical Slamming).
Monster Level: Unknown Hit Points: 32 Damage: 3 - 8 Armour: Unknown Base Experience: 35 Combat Messages: Suddenly, the Elder Brown Bear charges at you! (Damage: Physical Slamming). The Elder Brown Bear chomps at you! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). The Elder Brown Bear raises a foot and stomps on you! (Damage: Physical Crushing). The Elder Brown Bear stomps on you! (Damage: Physical Crushing). You attempt to dodge a chomping attack! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). You attempt to dodge, as the Elder Brown Bear attempts to chomp at your flesh! (Damage: Physical Stabbing). You take a defensive stance as the Elder Brown Bear charges at you! (Damage: Physical Slamming).