| - The Carpathian Star Republic is a Romanian-influenced, Southeast European-rooted star nation, and the ruling power of South-Eastwards EUROPA, hailing from the Beta Anadeia system. The Republic borders the Alliance and three of its lesser allies -Tyroham, Gizburn and Terraton- on Northwest, multiple vassal states of the Sarmatia and independent star polities along its North-Northeast-Eastward, several uncharted space - in which exist multiple largely reclusive civilizations, some haven't even risen beyond their worlds yet - on East-Westward space, and the sovereignties of Peirenus, Katorus, Massamea and Kouryras - partially independent states, tribunal of the Hellas - on its Southward space, making the Carpathia spacelock in nature. By current era, the Republic is 7th largest in EUROPA, as
| - The Carpathian Star Republic is a Romanian-influenced, Southeast European-rooted star nation, and the ruling power of South-Eastwards EUROPA, hailing from the Beta Anadeia system. The Republic borders the Alliance and three of its lesser allies -Tyroham, Gizburn and Terraton- on Northwest, multiple vassal states of the Sarmatia and independent star polities along its North-Northeast-Eastward, several uncharted space - in which exist multiple largely reclusive civilizations, some haven't even risen beyond their worlds yet - on East-Westward space, and the sovereignties of Peirenus, Katorus, Massamea and Kouryras - partially independent states, tribunal of the Hellas - on its Southward space, making the Carpathia spacelock in nature. By current era, the Republic is 7th largest in EUROPA, as well as one of most expansive civilizations in known space. A federalist polity, the Carpathian Star Republic is further divided by provisional sectors, totally 43, each head by its own de facto autonomous, self-policied governments. The central authority is ruled by both /President/ and /Congress/, styled themselves as a federation operated under mixed presidential-representative democracy. The President is the supreme ruler, both the head of state and its sovereignty embodiment, while the Head of Congress is in control of the government. The President is voted by popular, directorial-styled election, held once in 300 Făurig years (14,000 Earth years) and is normally male-dominance, although there have been female presidents before. Meanwhile, the Congressional Head is appointed by the President, voted by the Congress from their ranks, or in rare case, from independent candidates, based on popularity. Carpathian Congress meets bi-annually on the capital world of Făurig at the Hall of Aeckland, their central authority's seat, to discuss about matters at hand. In emergency cases, the President could summit the Congress whenever possible. Like the majority of major, great and superpowers in known space, there is no political party in Carpathia; the most equivalent would be online forums of discussions and debates. Carpathian Star Republic has since millennia ago then a major player, not just in EUROPA, but also other space corners. Covering vast territories along Eastward to SouthEastwards EUROPA space, they enjoy some of fastest growth rates in economic prosperity, magological development or medical researches. Despite size and influential sphere, Carpathian Star Republic is ranked by numerous metrics as one of most peaceful star polities in known space, with general lifestyle's image is laid-back, slow and life-enjoying. Carpathian Star Republic has signatures or joins several treaties and allies across known space, including the G30, the PEE, the UAN, the ComEmps Non-aggression Pact, the New Transylvanian Congregation, the NSTO, and many more. The Republic has its own currency, Carpathian Buckles, although the UAN Credit is also widely accepted. In millennia after 5th Era, Carpathia had enjoyed widespread economic booms, only being disrupted over the last great war and their Cold War relations with the Dorssia, the Slavia and several other Slavic-rooted star powers. The Republic has