| - Quasimodo is a character only appearing in the video game Shrek Super Slam. His Super Slam is that he rings with his bells to stun his opponents. Quasimodo is from the story The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Le jeune homme isolé à l'intérieur de la cathédrale Notre Dame. Recueilli par le juge Claude Frollo, Quasimodo est attaché à Esméralda qui l'a aidé en dépit de son apparence. Il est le sonneur de cloches de Notre-Dame. Malgré son physique ingrat, Quasimodo est d'une très grande gentillesse.
- Quasimodo is a character
- Quasimodo is the deformed hero
- The character's name can be considered a pun. In Latin, "quasi" means "almost" and "modo" means "the standard measure", "almost the standard measure" could be taken as meaning "almost like a normal person". However, this is not the explanation given for his name in the novel. A hunchbacked stonemason, who was shunned by the other workers, is known to have worked at Notre Dame cathedral during the 1820s. Victor Hugo is likely to have known of the man and to have partially based the character of Quasimodo on him.
- Quasimodo (from Latin, quasi modo) is a fictional character in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame]] (1831) by Victor Hugo]]. Quasimodo was born with a Kyphosis|hunchback]] and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster, but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by many actors in film and stage adaptations, including Lon Chaney, Sr.]] (1923) and Charles Laughton]] (1939), as well as Tom Hulce]] in the The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film)|1996 Disney animated adaptation]]. In 2010, a British researcher found evidence suggesting there was a real-life hunchbacked stone carver who worked at Notre Dame during the same period Victor Hugo was writing the novel and they may have even known one another.
- Quasimodo on kyttyräselkäinen ja epämuodostunet Notre Damen kellonsoittaja Victor Hugon kirjassa Pariisin Notre-Dame
- Quasimodo is a Party Member as it appeared in Adventures of Krystal.
- Quasimodo is the protagonist of Disney's 1996 animated film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Quasimodo was born deformed, possessing a hunched back, from which the film takes its name. In spite of his ghastly appearance, Quasimodo is naïve, kind-hearted and knows little of the world outside his bell tower home from which he is forbidden to leave.
- Quasimodo es el protagonista de la película The Hunchback of Notre Dame y la secuela The Hunchback of Notre Dame II.
- Quasimodo é um personagem que faz sua estréia no Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Ela aparece em La Cité des Cloches. Originalmente, ela apareceu em O Corcunda de Notre Dame.
- Quasimodo ist ein nicht-spielbarer Charakter, der in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance auftaucht. Er lebt in der Welt La Cité des Cloches und folgt dort zunächst den Anweisungen seines Meisters, Claude Frollo. Dieser hat ihn 20 Jahre vor Beginn der Handlung als Säugling aufgefunden und seither großgezogen. Jedoch verbietet Frollo es Quasimodo die Welt außerhalb der Kathedrale Notre Dame zu betreten und erzählt ihm, dass die Menschen grausam zu ihm sein würden. Davon eingeschüchtert und weil er seinen Meister nicht enttäuschen will, bleibt er in der Kathedrale und freundet sich mit den Wasserspeiern Hugo, Viktor und Laverne an. Ursprünglich stammt er aus dem Disney Zeichentrickfilm Der Glöckner von Notre Dame aus dem Jahre 1996.
- Quasimodo is het hoofdpersonage uit Disney's animatiefilm De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame en De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame II. Quasimodo is geboren met een vervormde rug. Hoewel Quasimodo er als een monster uit ziet is hij naïef, goedhartig en weet weinig van de wereld buiten zijn klokkenluider die hij niet mag verlaten.
- Quasimodo (from Latin, quasi modo) is a fictional character and the protagonist in the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster, but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death. The role of Quasimodo has been played by many actors in film and stage adaptations, including Lon Chaney, Sr. (1923) and Charles Laughton (1939), as well as Tom Hulce in the 1996 Disney animated adaptation. In 2010, a British researcher found evidence suggesting there was a real-life hunchbacked stone carver who worked at Notre Dame during the same period Victor Hugo was writing the novel and they may have even known each other.
- He is hated by the public and shunned for his ugliness. He is also deaf. His heart is pure, only acting violently when provoked or ordered to by his master, Claude Frollo, whom he is faithful to. When pitied with a drink of water by her whilst tied down on the town pillory, he falls in love with Esmeralda, the gypsy girl. He later saved Esmerelda from execution and gave her sanctuary in the church. Near the end of the novel, when Esmeralda has been given over to the executioner by Frollo, and hanged, he is heartbroken.