Tosk was a Tosk who lived during the 24th century. In 2369, Tosk became the first visitor to the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. He was convinced to dock at Starbase Deep Space 9 for repairs. The Tosk's ship was a one-person vessel, with standard systems, which enabled Chief O'Brien to repair his ship easily. O'Brien later helped the Tosk evade the Hunters, to retain his honor, rather than be captured alive. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
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| - Tosk was a Tosk who lived during the 24th century. In 2369, Tosk became the first visitor to the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. He was convinced to dock at Starbase Deep Space 9 for repairs. The Tosk's ship was a one-person vessel, with standard systems, which enabled Chief O'Brien to repair his ship easily. O'Brien later helped the Tosk evade the Hunters, to retain his honor, rather than be captured alive. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
- right|thumb|200px|Tosk Raza Humanoide de aspecto reptílico del Cuadrante Gamma creados por una raza de cazadores para un largo y complicado ritual de cacería.
- Tosk was the first prophet of the religon of Helgrind. He set down the rules for its adherents in the Book of Tosk. He had set up a language and runic alphabet to write the Book of Tosk. He, like other worshippers, revered the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka as their deities, as well as sacrificed their own blood and limbs to "please" their deities.
- Tosk war ein Mensch, der in Dras-Leona lebte. Über sein Leben ist wenig bekannt, hauptsächlich, weil die Priester des Helgrind seine wahre Geschichte nicht offiziell verlauten haben lassen. In den Katakomben unter Dras-Leona ist aber seine Geschichte an der Decke eines Raumes festgehalten. Er war der erste, der dem Glauben des Tosk eine Richtung gab. Vor ihm hatten zwar schon viele den Helgrind angebetet, aber er hat die Richtlinien dieses Glaubens im Buch des Tosk, das in einer eigenen Sprache, dem Dialekt des Tosk, geschrieben ist, niedergeschrieben. Noch zu Zeiten Eragons richteten sich alle Jünger des Helgrind nach diesem Buch. Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Personen Kategorie:Religion
- Hvorfor søker du på tosk? jo en tosk er en stor buldoser a v vinkelgraden £09¤$@£££$. den kan kjøe 1000 000 km i timen, den går på 9991 knop. den kan lage undervands tunneler derfor har komunene i svere fått mye hjelp av den. -pippoz
- Tosk was a male Trandoshan warden who operated on the planet Kashyyyk during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He wore a gray set of Mandalorian armor
- They were bred and trained to become the prey in a ritual hunt for another race, known as the Hunters. Tosk were genetically engineered by the Hunters to be sentient. The meaning of life for a Tosk was to outsmart the Hunters for another day. Being captured and returned to their homeworld alive was a great dishonor for the Tosk - the only greater shame was to seek protection from another race. They took an oath of silence regarding the hunt preventing them from even talking about it with anyone else. The Tosk were treated with respect and admiration by the Hunters. Tosk were well equipped to outsmart their hunters, presumably to make the hunt as exciting and interesting for the Hunters as possible. Tosk could make themselves invisible to the naked eye. They also had great agility and only
- thumb|Ein Tosk (2369) Die Tosk sind eine humanoide Spezies aus dem Gamma-Quadranten. Sie werden gezüchtet und trainiert, um die Beute der Tosk-Jäger zu werden. Den Tosk wurde Intelligenz und Bewusstsein durch Genmanipulation angezüchtet. Tosk haben keine Eigennamen, sondern sprechen von sich immer nur als Tosk. Die Tosk besitzen die Fähigkeit sich unsichtbar zu machen. Sie sind sehr kräftig, reaktionsschnell und sprunggewaltig. Tosk benötigen nur 17 Minuten Ruhe am Tag und müssen keine Nahrung zu sich nehmen. Alles was sie brauchen, haben sie in Plasmafasern in ihrem Körper gespeichert.
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| - Tosk was a Tosk who lived during the 24th century. In 2369, Tosk became the first visitor to the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. He was convinced to dock at Starbase Deep Space 9 for repairs. The Tosk's ship was a one-person vessel, with standard systems, which enabled Chief O'Brien to repair his ship easily. O'Brien later helped the Tosk evade the Hunters, to retain his honor, rather than be captured alive. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
- right|thumb|200px|Tosk Raza Humanoide de aspecto reptílico del Cuadrante Gamma creados por una raza de cazadores para un largo y complicado ritual de cacería.
- Tosk was the first prophet of the religon of Helgrind. He set down the rules for its adherents in the Book of Tosk. He had set up a language and runic alphabet to write the Book of Tosk. He, like other worshippers, revered the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka as their deities, as well as sacrificed their own blood and limbs to "please" their deities.
- Tosk war ein Mensch, der in Dras-Leona lebte. Über sein Leben ist wenig bekannt, hauptsächlich, weil die Priester des Helgrind seine wahre Geschichte nicht offiziell verlauten haben lassen. In den Katakomben unter Dras-Leona ist aber seine Geschichte an der Decke eines Raumes festgehalten. Er war der erste, der dem Glauben des Tosk eine Richtung gab. Vor ihm hatten zwar schon viele den Helgrind angebetet, aber er hat die Richtlinien dieses Glaubens im Buch des Tosk, das in einer eigenen Sprache, dem Dialekt des Tosk, geschrieben ist, niedergeschrieben. Noch zu Zeiten Eragons richteten sich alle Jünger des Helgrind nach diesem Buch. Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Personen Kategorie:Religion
- thumb|Ein Tosk (2369) Die Tosk sind eine humanoide Spezies aus dem Gamma-Quadranten. Sie werden gezüchtet und trainiert, um die Beute der Tosk-Jäger zu werden. Den Tosk wurde Intelligenz und Bewusstsein durch Genmanipulation angezüchtet. Tosk haben keine Eigennamen, sondern sprechen von sich immer nur als Tosk. Der einzige Sinn ihres Lebens besteht darin, die Jäger immer wieder zu überlisten und zum Schluß einen ehrenvollen Tod zu sterben. Dagegen empfinden sie es als Schande, lebend gefangen und in ihrer Heimat ausgestellt zu werden. Noch größer wäre die Schande nur, wenn sie sich unter den Schutz einer anderen Spezies stellen würden. Sie leisten einen Eid, mit anderen nicht über die Jagd zu sprechen, um nicht um Hilfe bitten zu können. Die Jäger bewundern und respektieren die Tosk als Symbol für Mut und Ehre. Die Tosk besitzen die Fähigkeit sich unsichtbar zu machen. Sie sind sehr kräftig, reaktionsschnell und sprunggewaltig. Tosk benötigen nur 17 Minuten Ruhe am Tag und müssen keine Nahrung zu sich nehmen. Alles was sie brauchen, haben sie in Plasmafasern in ihrem Körper gespeichert. Im Jahr 2369 ist ein Tosk der erste Besucher aus dem Gamma-Quadranten auf Deep Space 9. Sein Schiff ist einsitzig und bietet keinerlei Komfort. Chief O'Brien kann es leicht reparieren. O'Brien hilft dem Tosk später auch, aus der Gefangenschaft zu fliehen und seinen Jägern zu entkommen und somit seine Ehre wiederherzustellen. Es ist die einzige bekannte Begegnung mit dieser Spezies. (DS9: )
- Hvorfor søker du på tosk? jo en tosk er en stor buldoser a v vinkelgraden £09¤$@£££$. den kan kjøe 1000 000 km i timen, den går på 9991 knop. den kan lage undervands tunneler derfor har komunene i svere fått mye hjelp av den. -pippoz
- Tosk was a male Trandoshan warden who operated on the planet Kashyyyk during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He wore a gray set of Mandalorian armor
- They were bred and trained to become the prey in a ritual hunt for another race, known as the Hunters. Tosk were genetically engineered by the Hunters to be sentient. The meaning of life for a Tosk was to outsmart the Hunters for another day. Being captured and returned to their homeworld alive was a great dishonor for the Tosk - the only greater shame was to seek protection from another race. They took an oath of silence regarding the hunt preventing them from even talking about it with anyone else. The Tosk were treated with respect and admiration by the Hunters. Tosk were well equipped to outsmart their hunters, presumably to make the hunt as exciting and interesting for the Hunters as possible. Tosk could make themselves invisible to the naked eye. They also had great agility and only required 17 minutes of rest per rotation. Tosk kept liquid nutrients stored in plasmic fibers throughout their bodies. In 2369, a Tosk became the first visitor to the Alpha Quadrant through the Bajoran wormhole. He was convinced to dock at Starbase Deep Space 9 for repairs. The Tosk's ship was a one-person vessel, with standard systems. Instead of letting him be captured alive only to be dishonored, Chief O'Brien helped the Tosk evade the Hunters so that he could retain his honor. (DS9 episode: "Captive Pursuit") In 2376, a Tosk discovered an Eav'oq vanishing crystal, which gave him a vision of Opaka Sulan. He followed the vision to the planet Ee in the Gamma Quadrant where he informed Opaka of the vision. His vision showed him bringing her to the place he found the crystal. (DS9 novel: Rising Son) According to DS9 production sources, the Hunters were scripted to appear in "The Search" as members of the Dominion, but their role was cut from the final episode. The writers also established, unofficially, that "whoever breeds the Tosk for the Hunters also breeds the Jem'Hadar, explaining some of the similarities between both reptilian, genetically engineered species, such as the 'shroud' and other abilities."