Benjamin Felix, also officially known as Sir Felix of the House of Felkén (Dublin, 1997 - ) was the first Knight of the Nomadic Republic of Felbah from its creation as the Knighthood of the Black Diamond in May 2010, and is still in office, serving as the High Commander of the Military and High General of the army. After many government changes, due to the awkwardness of being called 'king' or 'prince', yet with the imposing threat of being voted out of the government of his own country, Ben has stayed as a ruler, and is now in the house of lords of Felbah. File:Placeholder |}
Attributes | Values |
| - Benjamin Colm Glyn Lloyd Felix
| - Benjamin Felix, also officially known as Sir Felix of the House of Felkén (Dublin, 1997 - ) was the first Knight of the Nomadic Republic of Felbah from its creation as the Knighthood of the Black Diamond in May 2010, and is still in office, serving as the High Commander of the Military and High General of the army. After many government changes, due to the awkwardness of being called 'king' or 'prince', yet with the imposing threat of being voted out of the government of his own country, Ben has stayed as a ruler, and is now in the house of lords of Felbah. File:Placeholder |}
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| - Benjamin Felix, also officially known as Sir Felix of the House of Felkén (Dublin, 1997 - ) was the first Knight of the Nomadic Republic of Felbah from its creation as the Knighthood of the Black Diamond in May 2010, and is still in office, serving as the High Commander of the Military and High General of the army. After many government changes, due to the awkwardness of being called 'king' or 'prince', yet with the imposing threat of being voted out of the government of his own country, Ben has stayed as a ruler, and is now in the house of lords of Felbah. File:Placeholder |}