| - Lyssa was the "Queen of the Lost World," leader of the last humans, descended from space explorers, who were not present on Earth when it was devastated by the Voltans in the 33rd century. She is rescued from Voltans by the hero Hunt Bowman, and the two of them lead the human resistance that battle Earth's conquerors.
- Lyssa is the second companion encountered. She can be found beside the Frozen Lake west of Arhok, standing at the entrance to cave portion of the Halls of the Lost, where she is beset by an Emerald Spider as the hero approaches. She is specialized in ranged combat when first recruited.
- After the destruction of Serpent's Hold, she and a band of warriors stayed within the ruins to protect the Bell of Courage. However, when the mage Groldek invaded the ruins at the orders of the Guardian, the others lost their courage, and they left. Lyssa stayed, and hid with the bell in a secret room. After the Avatar had slain Groldek, Lyssa admitted, that while she was a strong Fighter, she had little chance against magic and decided to entrust the Avatar, who was more capable in that field, with the bell.
- Lyssa, the Lighthearted is a Warlock.
- Protectrice des Envoûteurs.
- Lyssa is a playable hero in the sixth Hero and Monster Collection set, Bonds of the Wild. She was previously playable in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
- Lyssa jest patronem mesmerów i prowadzonych przez nich teatrów. Niektórzy twierdzą, że Lyssa występuje pod dwoma postaciami, inni uparcie twierdzą, że jest to tylko jedna - ta sama bogini. Zabójcy oddają jej cześć nie z piękna, z którego słynie, lecz przez wewnętrzny dualizm. Na pomnikach występuje jako dwie bliźniaczki związane ze sobą w wiecznym tańcu.
- Lyssa was the companion of Durkani. At first she didn’t believe Durkani, thinking him to be "deluded", but as the proof of so-called alien interference mounted, she started to believe him and soon joined him. After a very disturbing discovery, she and Durkani stole a ship and took it beyond their world. When they were both disarmed and imprisoned by Captain Gideon, she offered her apologies to Durkani for doubting him over the years. She was very doubtful about trusting these aliens at all. After Kendarr arrived and Durkani threatened to shoot him if he didn‘t do what he wanted, she couldn’t understand Kendarr’s calmness when he was held hostage by them. After the situation was resolved, she accompanied Durkani in their ship back to their homeworld.
- The twin goddesses of beauty and illusion, many a spell caster has fallen under the charms of these two, making it easy for them to choose to specialize in the mesmeric arts. Lyssa is usually portrayed in her natural state; a pair of twain, intertwined goddesses, back to back, no illusions or glamours involved. There are stories of young men stopping to gaze longingly at statues of the beautiful goddesses, only to forget themselves and die of thirst while simply looking on. -- Taken from the Lore booklet. This inscription can be found on the Statue of Lyssa: