| - His moves are Arm Thrust, Work Up, Bite and Comet Punch.
- Xerneas was first appearance along with Yveltal in Calrem's vision, they told him that Beasts was only compatible with the Mega Stone to evolve into Mega-Beast. So Samuel can used Mega Stone to control the power of Mega Evolution. before they left his vision, the Life is Samuel, the Destruction is Dietlinde, but Order is mystery.
- His moves are Tackle, Sleep Powder, Aerial Ace, Confusion and Bug Bite. The other attacks since his evolution used String Shot.
- Her moves are String Shot , Harden , Tackle, Sleep Powder , Confusion , Aerial Ace , Stun Spore .
- Tyrunt was the fifth main Pokemon who restored by Calrem.
- Whisper is the support Pokemon caught by Calrem in the Connecting Cave. However, using Pokedex to transport to Peter's Lab.
- Her attacks was Hate Glare and Shadow Force.
- Her attacks was Razor Shadow and Shadow Ball.
- Her level was 19.
- Her level was 21.
- Her levels was 21 .
- His level was 20 after revived.
- His level was 24 before evolving into Mothim.
- His level was now 24 .
- His levels was 10 after caught by Calrem.
- His moves was Dragon Breath and Headbutt.
- His moves was Tackle and Uproar.
- Her level was 9 , almostly evolve until the end of the episode. Her level was 12 before she evolved into Vivillon. Her level is now 20 during the training.
- Bago is Calrem's main second Pokemon which is end of the third episode. After he caught Burmy, he named him Bago to train and battle against the first Gym Leader. Afterwards in training, Bago the Burmy evolves quickly into Mothim and learns Bug Bite and Hidden Power. Through battle against first Gym Leader, he was too strong against her low level Pokemons before choice have two Pokemons.
- Champ is the main third Pokemon who caught by Calrem. When he traveled to Route 5, Calrem and Charizard saw the high level Pancham caused to battle against him. He almostly beat Gekou before he gets confused by his Water Pulse then captures with Poke Ball.
- His moves are Tackle, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Bubblebeam and Hydro Pump.
- Candy is fourth main Pokemon caught by Calrem without battle. She battling horde of Whismurs and defeating all of them, but was caught.
- Genes was support Pokemon who caught by Chibon after Calrem surprised at Genitto transformation.
- Bridget is future main Pokemon, but not yet be caught.
- Her moves Tackle, Fairy Wind, Round, Sweet Scent and Endeavor.
- Yveltal was first appearance along with Xerneas in Calrem's vision, they told him that Beasts was only compatible with the Mega Stone to evolve into Mega-Beast. So Samuel can used Mega Stone to control the power of Mega Evolution. before they left his vision, the Life is Samuel, the Destruction is Dietlinde, but Order is mystery.
- Guhs was future support Pokemon caught by Chibon after making her happy. However, she doesn't like Calrem's friends and his families then used her Hate Glare to scare everyone in away as result.
- It's level was 20. It's attacks was Transform and DNTransform .
- Vibi was the support Pokemon caught by Calrem. After Calrem chose Froakie which is he named Gekou and brought the Mega Stones, he travels to Santalune Forest then saw the one Scatterbug. Calrem accepted his capture Scatterbug as his first mission. As in the second episode, Scatterbug was successfully captured by Calrem without battle. As he nickname Bugworm, he call Scatterbug out of the Poke Ball. Calrem trained it to battle Gekou. However, she didn't train well, so he trained her to little bit harder. During the training, Calrem learned that Scatterbug was the Bug Pokemon. Calrem calls her to used String Shot to wrap Gekou then Tackle. After this, Scatterbug evolving much as Calrem's surprise then revealed into Spewpa. She was later evolved into Vivillon and renamed her Vibi.
- His level was now 20 when Charizard checked the Pokedex.
- Gekou was the first Pokemon given by Professor Sycamore. After Samuel's Beast Mode glitch was fixed, Professor Charizard explains that the glitch will cause turn person into wild and feral Mega-Beast, but only when the Mega Stone was activated cause him to evolve into his second final form Mega Charizard Y. Professor Sycamore likely knows the power of Mega Evolution then he graduates his new skill then he asked to choose three Starters. However, better than Samuel's Water Starter Type, he chose Froakie which is he respond his friend. Also before his journey, Samuel's Nidoking giving him the lots of Mega Stones to Mega Evolve into ultimate Mega Pokemon.