Dream Corp, LLC is a comedy series produced for Adult Swim, which debuted on October 22, 2016. The series features a mix of live-action and rotoscoped animation, and tells the story of a psychotherapy facility that analyzes patient's dreams. Jim Henson's Creature Shop built the animatronic character T.E.R.R.Y., who suffers from depression due to being nearly obsolete at 21 years of age. Peter Brooke serves as the Creative Supervisor, and John Criswell serves as the animatronic supervisor for the Creature Shop.
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| - Dream Corp, LLC is a comedy series produced for Adult Swim, which debuted on October 22, 2016. The series features a mix of live-action and rotoscoped animation, and tells the story of a psychotherapy facility that analyzes patient's dreams. Jim Henson's Creature Shop built the animatronic character T.E.R.R.Y., who suffers from depression due to being nearly obsolete at 21 years of age. Peter Brooke serves as the Creative Supervisor, and John Criswell serves as the animatronic supervisor for the Creature Shop.
- Dream Corp, LLC is a show featuring a mixture of live-action and animation and the first n Adult Swim to use rotoscoping. The series debuted October 22, 2016. Dream Corp, LLC concerns a psychotherapeutic facility by the same name. Helmed by the easily distracted Dr. Roberts, the facility treats patients with troubling dreams. Roberts employs a team of incompetent scientists to help analyze and record those thoughts plaguing the doctor's patients. The patients are composed of a rotating cast.
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| - Dream Corp, LLC is a show featuring a mixture of live-action and animation and the first n Adult Swim to use rotoscoping. The series debuted October 22, 2016. Dream Corp, LLC concerns a psychotherapeutic facility by the same name. Helmed by the easily distracted Dr. Roberts, the facility treats patients with troubling dreams. Roberts employs a team of incompetent scientists to help analyze and record those thoughts plaguing the doctor's patients. The patients are composed of a rotating cast. Dream Corp, LLC was created by Daniel Stessen, known for writing and directing The Gold Sparrow, an animated short film released in 2013. Adult Swim commissioned a pilot based on Stessen's original idea for the series in May 2014, ahead of the network's upfront. The series is produced by Williams Street and Artbelly Productions. The former company collaborated with Caviar Content to produce the pilot. Dream Corp, LLC was ordered for a full season in November 2015, and the network made mention of the series in their 2016 upfront.
- Dream Corp, LLC is a comedy series produced for Adult Swim, which debuted on October 22, 2016. The series features a mix of live-action and rotoscoped animation, and tells the story of a psychotherapy facility that analyzes patient's dreams. Jim Henson's Creature Shop built the animatronic character T.E.R.R.Y., who suffers from depression due to being nearly obsolete at 21 years of age. Peter Brooke serves as the Creative Supervisor, and John Criswell serves as the animatronic supervisor for the Creature Shop.
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