| - A Squib, also known as a wizard-born, is a non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent. Squibs are, in essence, 'wizard-born Muggles.' They are rare and are looked upon with a degree of disdain by some witches and wizards, particularly pure-bloods. Muggle-born witches and wizards are descended from Squibs who married Muggles: the magical ability unexpectedly resurfaces after many generations.
- A derogatory slur for a Strogg, in use by humans during the Stroggos Campaign.
- Squibs were a sentient species from Skor II known for collecting, trading, and haggling. Adult Squibs had humanoid bodies that averaged a meter in height. They were covered in colorful fur and had pointed snouts, tufted ears, and large eyes. Squibs tasted objects by rubbing them over their fur. They were gregarious, insatiably curious, and obsessed with haggling and deal-making. It was said that the easiest way to get information from a Squib was to propose a trade.
- Ein Squib (engl. Knallfrosch oder Reinfall) ist eine nicht-magische Person, die jedoch mindestens ein magisches Elternteil hat. Squibs sind sehr selten und werden bis heute von manchen Hexen und Zauberern mit einer gewissen Verachtung zur Kenntnis genommen. Besonders in Familien, die viel Wert auf ihre durch und durch magische Abstammung legen, werden Squibs oft vertuscht, versteckt oder verstoßen. Bleiben alle Anzeichen von Magie bei einem Kind aus, greifen die Eltern oft zu extremen Methoden, um dem Kind doch noch Zauberkräfte zu entlocken; so lassen sie ihr Kind dann beispielsweise an den Füßen aus dem Fenster baumeln.
- Homeworld: Skor II Description: An old trader's saying warns to be wary of smiling Squibs. Standing about a meter tall, with large doe-eyes, rodent-like muzzles, tufted ears and fur ranging from red to blue in color, Squibs hardly seem imposing. But in the arena of their choice -- bartering -- they are ruthless. The Squibs love haggling, and are gifted at crafting convoluted and ultimately very rewarding trade deals. Often, the end goods aren't what's important -- it's the process the Squibs value.
- Squibs were a sentient species from Skor II known for collecting, trading, and haggling. Adult Squibs had humanoid bodies averaging a meter in height. They were covered in colorful fur and had pointed snouts, tufted ears, and large eyes. Squibs tasted objects by rubbing them over their fur. They were gregarious, insatiably curious, and obsessed with haggling and deal-making. It was said that the easiest way to get information from a Squib was to propose a trade.
- Squibs were a sentient species from Skor II known for collecting knickknacks and for their love of trading and haggling. Adult Squibs had humanoid bodies averaging a meter in height. They were covered in colorful fur and had rodent-like faces with large eyes. Squibs tasted objects by rubbing them over their fur. They were gregarious, insatiably curious, and obsessed with haggling and deal-making. It was said that the easiest way to lure Squibs into a trap was to offer them a deal of some kind.
- thumb|left|119px|Argus Filch, conserje de Hogwarts. Un squib es una persona no mágica nacida al menos de un progenitor mago. La mayoría de ellos viven como y con muggles. En Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte, Tía Muriel explica que en el siglo XIX los squibs eran escondidos de la vista; de niños se les enviaba a escuelas muggle y se les incentivaba a que se integraran a la comunidad muggle en lugar de a la comunidad mágica, solución que se consideraba mucho más práctica y beneficiosa que ayudarles a integrarse al mundo mágico, ya que debido a su bajo nivel de magia hubiesen sido vistos por los magos como personas de segunda clase. Dos claros ejemplos de esto son Arabella Figg, que es vecina de Harry Potter, y Argus Filch, que trabaja como conserje en Hogwarts y odia por esto a todo
- Small explosives used to simulate gunshot wounds in movies and TV. Usually paired with a "blood bag" -- which is exactly what it sounds like, a small plastic sac filled with a liquid that looks like blood -- to produce what supposedly looks like a "real" wound. According to most actors who've had to use them, they hurt. Like most pyrotechnics, squibs will not work if they get too wet. In addition to its literal meaning, the term "damp squib" is sometimes used as a metaphor for a setup that fails in execution. Not to be confused with: