| - An Aurebesh list of stops that pops up at the hover train station has Arabia listed, along with Burbank, Ulendale and Alderaan. For reasons unknown, the same data screens were also found in Tipoca City on Kamino. Arabia is another name for the Arabian Peninsula.
- Arabia is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. Arabia can be formed by any nation in the Arabic culture group.
- Arabia es una península situada en la confluencia de África y Asia, entre el Golfo Pérsico, el Golfo de Adén y el Mar Rojo. Es una región mayoritariamente de clima desértico. También es conocida como Península Arábiga. Desde el punto de vista geológico, lo más apropiado sería llamarlo «subcontinente arábigo», puesto que ocupa una placa tectónica propia, la Placa Arábiga. No obstante, esta denominación no es usada habitualmente en español.
- Arabia is a region in the Middle East inhabited by Arabs. It includes several nations including the Arabian desert city of Raseir and Shapeir. Arabic is the language spoken by the Arabians. Arabic costumes are known to be elegant. It is known for the Arabian Nights.
- Arabia or The Arabian Peninsula links Africa to Asia. It borders the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. The countries there are Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen. Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait border Arabia and may be considered part of it. Oman and Yemen are less dry than the interior and agriculture is done there. Arabia has a great deal of Desert, a great deal of oil, very many Muslims and a great deal of war. American Conservatives love the oil in Arabia but hate the Muslims there.
- Arabia is the homeland of Arabs people in the Middle East. It is the home of Ancient Arabic Mythology, Arabian Nights,and the Koran. It is known for its Djinn and Forty Thieves. This is where the remote mountain of Kaf is apparently located. Abdul Alhazred is known as the Mad Arab. The Forty Thieves are sometimes said to be Arabian Knights, and their Bandit Camp, an Arabian Camp. Other famous individuals include Scheherazade. The Moors people also share Arabic descent.
- Arabia is a peninsula in the Middle East region of Earth. The peninsula is home of the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and the home of the historical (and perhaps current) nation-states of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. (TOS comic: "All of Me")
- The nation of Arabia was formed from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emerates, Qatar and Bahrain by the Islamic Unity Movement led by Badr al Din Ibn Eisa in 2055. Ibn Eisa choose the former King of Saudi Arabia, Kalim Sa'ud, as the first Caliph of Arabia. In return, Caliph Kalim Sa'ud made Ibn Eisa the official advisor to the Caliph.
- Arabia właściwie od niedawna Zjednoczony Kalifat Arabski (ar. Al-Hilāfatu l-ʿArabiyyatu l-Muttaḥidatu, dawniej Kalifat Arabii, czyli ar. Al-Hilāfatu l-ʿArabi'i) to państwo leżące w Azji południowo-zachodniej. Graniczy z Persją i Medią, Turcją, Palestyną i Synajem, Izraelem i Synajem, Jemenem, Omanem, ZEA i Katarem; granica morska z Cyprem, Cyprem Północnym, Egiptem, Etiopią i Bahrajnem.
- The Arabian peninsular has been offered as a possible location of Carcosa in the Rub al-Khali. H.P. Lovecraft placed the Nameless City here and it is also a possible location for the land of Mnar from his fiction. See also Arabic Origins of the Mythos
- Arabian Caliphate (also simply known as Arabia) is a country in the Middle East.
- In the mid-20th century mystery the lead character, Doctor John Rawley thought, but didn't say, that the perfumes of Arabia would be unable to soften the features of Frederricka Wilson. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye" ) The pages seen in the episode were from the mystery novel Dangerous Ground by author Frances Sil Wickware. This novel was published in 1946. Information on Arabian Peninsula was from page 47.
- Arabia - wielki półwysep Azji płd.zachod, około 2.600.000 km2, płyta wyżynna 500—1000 m, na krawędziach do 3.000 m; klimat suchy i gorący, środek i płd. pustynie piaszczyste, na płd.zachod w krainie Jemen kawa, bawełna, ryż; ludność Arabowie, przeważnie plemiona koczownicze, około 8000000; święte miasta mahomet.: Mekka i Medyna, miasto portowe: Dżidda, Hodeida, Aden, Maskat; z wyjątkiem zamieszkałych przez niezawisłe plemiona (Wahabitów) pustyń A. środk. cały kraj od I517 do 1919 nal. do Turcji, obecnie •v" ^?dżasu, Hadramaut, Oman i Kuweit pod wpływem Anglii.TEM Arabia
- [[Datei:BT_-_Die_geheimnisvolle_Statue_017.jpg|thumb|250px|Bibi mit Arabia]]Die edle Arabia ist eines der Lieblingspferde des Grafen von Falkenstein. Sie hat schwarzes Fell. Arabia dient dem Grafen als Turnierpferd.
- Arabia was chosen by Rythian, who founded the capital of Mecca, initially renaming it to Desert Jewel. Later realizing that Desert Jewel was not actually in the desert, he renamed it again to Orgrimmar. Due to the India/Sweden conflict in season 2, Rythian wanted to make sure he had no conflict with the other players. He stood his ground when Sjin attempted to settle cities all around his borders, and the two civs began a long history of friendship and trade.
- Arabia war eine Provinz des römischen Reiches. Sie wurde 106 n. Chr. nach der Eroberung des Nabatäerreichs und dessen Hauptstadt Peta durch Kaiser Trajan eingerichtet. Ihr Gebiet umfasste in etwas die Sinai-Halbinsel und den westen des heutigen Jordanien. ihre Hauptstadt war Bostra im heutigen Syrien. Arabia gehörte zur kaiserlichen Provinz und wurde von einem Legaten in preatorischen Rang verwaltet. Ihre Nachbarprovinzen waren Aegyptus im Westen, Judäa im Nordwesten und Syria im Norden. Im Süden sieß sie an den Golf von Akaba und im Osten an die Arabische Wüste.
- Arabia is a notoriously open map with resources spread thinner than in most maps. Wood typically is in medium-sized bunches, so an early rush with forward placed towers aimed at an enemies wood production can win a game early on. Occasionally wood bunches are spread far from one another making it impossible to turtle or defend from a rush (unless the defending player build towers around its town center). Gold and stone are of average placement, but just like the wood, gold and stone near the front of the camp can lend itself to a target of a rush by an enemy.