| - Su nombre viene del explosivo en botella de líquido inflamable prendido por un papel, el Cóctel Molotov.
- File:Molotov-Peoples Heroes-Elph.gif (Kirill Yakerim) can not only formulate explosives of tremendous destructive potential, but can also detonate his own person.
- De Molotov is een explosief wapen gebruikt om een klein gebied in brand te krijgen. Het idee achter een molotov is vrij simpel. Je neemt een fles, stopt er een brandbare vloeistof in, lont erin, aansteken en gooien maar.
- Maximum of 10 can be used per Stage
- Molotov is a in the Rubble Trouble series .
- Molotov is a battle item found in Breath of Fire III and Breath of Fire IV
- The Molotov, also known as a Molotov Cocktail, is an improvised incendiary explosive made from an empty bottle filled with petrol that is usually activated by a lit cloth sticking out of the bottle.
- In 2137, residents aboard Sevastopol Station created blueprints to craft molotovs.
- Molotov is a three-time Latin Grammy Award-winning Mexican alternative rock band formed in Mexico City on September 23, 1995. Their lyrics feature a mixture of Spanish and English, rapped and sung by all members of the group. Musically, Molotov blends heavy basslines with heavy guitar riffs. Many songs, such as "Gimme Tha Power" and "Frijolero," are politically inspired, addressing issues such as disenfranchisement within Mexico and immigration in the United States. The band's lyrics are risqué, playful, and frequently aggressive. The band is currently working on their 7th album, which is scheduled for release in 2011.
- A Molotov is an explosive bottle filled with kerosene. Once it makes contact with an enemy or surface, the affected area will ignite and burn for several seconds. It serves as a substitute for the Air Fuel Grenade.
- Molotovs are very explosive. It is generally made of a alcoholic beverage with a towel in it on fire. When it impacts the ground it spews fire in every which direction to destroy anybody with the exception of you. It has great crowd control when things get heated. You can create a molotov with 1 chemical if you possess the skill. The molotov skill comes with the bartender occupation.
- Molotov to jedna z Innych - nieznane jest jej prawdziwe imię, a swoją ksywkę zawdzięcza faktowi, że była na łodzi Innych podczas porwania Walta z tratwy w odcinku „Exodus: Part 2” - wtedy też zniszczyła tratwę rozbitków, rzucając na nią Koktail Mołotowa.
- le bombe molotov sono le classiche bottiglie piene d'alcol con uno straccio infiammato imbevuto in esso.l'esplosione s'innescherà solamente dopo che avremo l'anciato la bottiglia su una superficie dura,permettendo al vetro di rompersi e al liquido infiammabile di spargersi nell'ambiente circostante...sono presenti sin da GTA2 e sono le armi da lancio primarie. File:98px-MolotovCocktail-GTASA.png Si può far prendere fuoco a un piccolo gruppo di pedoni o incendiare il motore di un'auto,in ogni caso è l'unica arma (insieme al lanciafiamme) in grado di distruggere un carroarmato.