| - Every round has a dud match here and there, but thankfully for this contest the divisional finals only had one match that was truly a dud. Even Mario 64 > Skyrim was entertaining insofar as its vote total, even if nothing exciting happened there. Rally spillover meant virtually nothing in this match, as it was a 68-32 affair for virtually all 24 hours. Symphony of the Night did well to win three matches and make the divisional final, but it was never going to do anything here. Ocarina, as bad a contest as it had, is still one of our contest titans and was always going to score a huge blowout here. That being said, Zelda got 68.18% here. Based on 2009, Zelda was supposed to get 76.73%. Even in a blowout win that was barely worth talking about, Ocarina still managed to look a step too slow. We all know this wouldn't matter until the finals, but it would have been hilarious seeing it lose before then. Allen really needs to stop putting Ocarina/FF7 or Link/Cloud on opposite sides of the bracket for posterity. Contests are unpredictable enough now to where we don't need that as our "guaranteed fallback finals plan". Guarantee some fresh blood in there right from the start, I say.