| - This city was built according to Tenba's Concept for a Academic City for the Cloud Sea Investigation, and it's an entirely artificial and floating island that is located around 62 Stons (roughly 200 meters) over the Sea of Death, and it's located below the Wings of Horus, half-way between the Terraced Fields and the Floating Wharf. Its current population is of approximately 97000 people. In recent times, the town areas expanded, and a great number of immigrants came to live here. Now, most of the residents of Firefly Alley are actually immigrants that came from the Airport City Nemo. And it goes without saying that most of them just changed their place of residence from a pleasant continent to a place like this out from simple curiosity. It was because a lot of adventurers and researchers
| - This city was built according to Tenba's Concept for a Academic City for the Cloud Sea Investigation, and it's an entirely artificial and floating island that is located around 62 Stons (roughly 200 meters) over the Sea of Death, and it's located below the Wings of Horus, half-way between the Terraced Fields and the Floating Wharf. Its current population is of approximately 97000 people. In recent times, the town areas expanded, and a great number of immigrants came to live here. Now, most of the residents of Firefly Alley are actually immigrants that came from the Airport City Nemo. And it goes without saying that most of them just changed their place of residence from a pleasant continent to a place like this out from simple curiosity. It was because a lot of adventurers and researchers dreamed with going below the Sea of Death, discovering new things, and studying more methods of using the Grathnodes, and like fishes being fished out from the Sea of Death, they exported an enormous variety of manufactured products to Nemo. All the residents of Firefly Alley have grown used to the tremors the island frequently has, so they don't get sick at them, and they aren't afraid of heights anymore.