About: Beyond the generations Lv20/Dialogue   Sponge Permalink

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  • Beyond the generations Lv20/Dialogue
  • N/A
  • A - DA02
  • A - DA02 B - Exit dialogue
  • A - DA03
  • A - DA03 B - DA04
  • A - DA03?
  • A - DA04
  • A - DA05
  • A - DA06 B - DA07
  • A - DA06?
  • A - DA07
  • A - DA08A B - DA09 C - DA08B
  • A - DA09
  • A - Exit Dialogue
  • A - Exit Dialogue B - DA04 C - DA05
  • A - Exit Dialogue B - TH02 C - TH04
  • A - Exit Dialogue B - TH02 C - TH04
  • A - Exit Dialogue, J01
  • A - Exit Dialogue, SY01
  • A - Exit Dialogue.
  • A - Exit dialogue
  • A - Exit dialogue, J01
  • A - Exit dialogue, J02
  • A - IR02
  • A - IR03
  • A - IR04
  • A - IR05
  • A - IR09
  • A - T04
  • A - TH02
  • A - TH02 B - TH03
  • A - TH03
  • A - TH04
  • A - TH05
  • A/B - IR02 C - IR03
  • A - IR03A B - IR03B C - IR03C D - IR03D E - IR03E
  • A - Exit Dialogue B - IR02 from "Getting A Dagger" section
  • How was it? Even that old man had to appreciate it, right? A)
  • W-well, I still have Irma, so... I won't be lonely. A) Bye bye.
  • But! I'm not going to give up yet! I dream of learning the forging techniques of my ancestors and, combining it with my own forging technique, creating the ultimate arms and armor! But the elder will teach me nothing... All avenues are barred to me. Should you hear any good news, , let me know... A) Bye bye.
  • ふふ。奇抜に見えるかもしれんが、これはこれで理に適った形状での。この独自構造によって、軽く押し当てるだけでも通常とは比べ物にならん切れ味が出るのじゃ。 A)
  • Sorry, , I don't think I can take this to the elder myself. I feel like he'd just yell at me and slam the door in my face... A) Bye bye.
  • 職人たるもの自らの適正を見極め己だけの持ち味を作り出すべき。評価者に媚びて他の作風に手を出すなど言語道断よ。もっとも、あの小娘がどのような持ち味を作り出したところでわしは決して認めんのだがな。 A)
  • ほう、これはよくできている。握りやすく滑らず振りも軽い。見た目こそ華が無いが、刀身も丈夫で実用に特化した… A)
  • Oh...? There's a small inscription with the crafter's name here... Irma? A)
  • Mmm, how frustrating... I was suddenly wrapped in light and appeared on this continent... And then, wandering about, I found the home of my ancestors. At the time I was elated and felt this to be the guidance of the heavens, but... A)
  • どうも歓迎されてないようじゃな、とほほ…。出かけている間に仕事道具を壊されたり材料を隠されたり、散々じゃ。誰がやったのか問い正しても管理が悪いとなじられる始末での…。 A)
  • Thalia seems to know the ancient forging techniques. But unless we become close friends, she won't reveal them to me.
  • Ah, ! Take a look at this! At Thalia's suggestion, I made three different daggers. A)
  • Indeed. My granddaughter has the ability to succeed the techniques, but I would have to force her to do it... A) Bye bye.
  • Ah. It was tough adding the fine decorations on that dagger. The precision required is a good measure of skill, as it takes a good deal of concentration. A)
  • I need to talk with Irma, and show the dagger to Dain of the Hill.
  • ご先祖様ゆかりの地で堂々と制作できればよかったんじゃが、こうなってしまっては仕方あるまい。静かなところでゆっくり作業するのも悪くないからのう。 A)
  • Hmph. I just said what I thought. My reasons and standards are mine as the evaluator. What else can be said? A)
  • I don't seem very welcome for some reason, *sob*... Any time I go out, terrible things happen: my tools are broken, or my materials are hidden. And any time I try to found out who is responsible, I'm harshly rebuked by the elder... A)
  • お前の述べる謝罪なんて信用できんな。誠意を見せろ、誠意を。 A) さようなら.
  • それは残念だな、この村に武具店は無いぞ。後継者不足でだいぶ昔に廃業してなぁ。家具や小屋を作る者はいくらか残っとるが、武具職人はもう誰もおらん。 A) 残念だ B) 後継者になりたい
  • Mmm. I guess practical usability is important. The grip on this one is comfortable, and the blade itself is of outstanding strength. The boring design is what I worry about though. A)
  • Which one do you think is the best? Well, I guess that mostly depends on your tastes. A) The practical dagger B) The decorated one C) The novelly shaped one D) Show all three E) Depends on enchantments
  • It's a shame, but this village no longer has any arms stores. We've been short on those willing to succeed the techniques for some time now. We still have a few who make furniture or buildings, but we no longer have any arms craftsmen. A) That's too bad. B) I want to be the successor.
  • ... A)
  • ...I see. A) Bye bye.
  • これだけ特徴の異なるものを一人で作り分けたのは見事。あえて言うならば、この武骨な短剣が特に完成度が高いと見た。実用性重視の作品を得意としているのかもしれん。しかし残りの2本もよくできて… A)
  • どれが一番受けがよさそうかの?まぁ、何を重視するのかは好みの問題とも思うのじゃが。 A)実用性重視の短剣 B)美しい装飾の短剣 C)斬新な形状の短剣 D)三本とも見せればいい E)エンチャントによる
  • 結果はどうじゃった? A)訊かない方がいい B)ボロクソだった C)なぜ名前を入れた?
  • いや、やっぱり外の人たちと話すのは新鮮でいいもんだなって。新しい風がこの集落を変える、なんだかそんなふうに思えてくるのさ。 A) さようなら
  • だが孫娘のサリムまでいなくなったのは問題だ。おそらく小娘がサリムをたぶらかして連れ出したに違いないからな、拠点を探し出してめちゃくちゃにしてこい。なに、相手は誘拐犯だからどんなことをしようが構わん、悪いのは全て奴だ。ああ、サリムにはまだ利用価値があるから傷つけずに連れてこい。わかったな? A) 考えておく B) 前金をよこせ C) めちゃくちゃになるのはお前だ
  • おい、伝統職人芸を馬鹿にしてるのか!!よそ者が後継者だと?お前といい、あの赤髪の小娘といい…ふざけているのか?ああ?もういい。出ていけ。 A) さようなら.
  • What? Do you have a problem? A) Your speech was odd. B) You're unreasonable. C) Return the dagger.
  • I wonder what'll happen now. If the evaluation is good, maybe I'll try to make some more of those daggers. A) I can't wait. B) I want to change daggers.
  • Though I would be happy to produce grand works in the home of my ancestors, with things how they are, that will never happen. But taking things slowly in a peaceful place like this isn't bad. A)
  • 武具作成の技法についてはサリムが知っているようだ。だが親友くらいに仲良くならないと教えてもらえないだろう。
  • A)
  • A true craftsman should only focus on a single characteristic. It's outrageous to attempt to curry favor with the evaluator by dabbling in other styles. I'll never recognize the quality of anything that lass produces. A)
  • Ehehe... A)
  • There are innumerable daggers that are sturdy and easy to hold. It completely ignored any decorative aspects, and it showed no novel ideas either. All that could be said about it is that it was ordinary. A)
  • ちょっと残ってた素材と道具でイルマにサンプルを作ってもらったんだが、イルマの腕はかつての職人たちと比べても遜色ないと思うのさ。あの偏屈ジジイに少しでも職人魂が残っているなら、正攻法で認めさせてやれるかもしれない。ジジイに見せる前に、あんたも冒険者の視点で見て何かアドバイスをしてやってくれ。 A) さようなら.
  • ふん。反論できないようだな。 A) さようなら.
  • Hello and welcome, my precious friend. A)
  • Hmph. No argument, huh? A) Bye bye.
  • Huh...? A)
  • I should report the results to Irma and Thalia.
  • …ここはうちのジジイのライバルが昔やっていた工房跡地だ。その人は変わり者だったけど根は優しくてさ。あたしはジジイに内緒でよく遊びに来ていたんだ。あの日までは…。 A)
  • But it's a problem that my granddaughter Thalia is gone. I'm sure that girl must have tricked Thalia into it. Track down wherever she's hiding out and ruin the place. Oh, and who cares what happens to the girl - she's a criminal, a kidnapper. Ah, well, perhaps capture her without injuring her after all. She might still be useful for Thalia. Understand? A) I'll think on it. B) Pay me in advance. C) You're the one who's going to be ruined.
  • ふん。おれは思ったことを述べただけ。理屈も基準も、決めるのは評価者であるおれだ。何を言おうがおれの勝手だろう? A)
  • ここの連中はよそ者が住み着くことを嫌っている。イルマが定住を申し出たときは特に酷かったな。「大昔にこの丘を捨てて出て行った民の子孫だから」とか理由をつけて、殺してでも追い出そうとしていたくらいだ。丘長の孫娘であるあたしが空き部屋を貸すと言ったら途端に静かになりやがったけど。今では表向きではいない扱い、裏では陰湿な嫌がらせってとこみたいさ。本当にダサいぜ。 A)
  • 日を改めてまたルストール仙窟を訪れよう。
  • Mmm... A)
  • イルマと話し短剣を丘長のダインに見せよう。
  • うむむ、参ったのう…。光に包まれてこの大陸に辿りついて…そして彷徨った先で、ご先祖様たちの故郷を見つけた。その時はまさに天の導きだと感激したのじゃが…。 A)
  • My, talking to people from outside the village was a good idea after all. It feels like the winds of change are coming to this village now. A) Bye bye.
  • ジジイっ…!腹立たしいぜ!もはや我慢ならん! A)
  • ...This place is the former workshop of an old man who was once our rival. He was eccentric, but kind at heart. I often snuck out to come play with the old man. Until that day... A)
  • No, umm... I'm just talking about the model... A) Bye bye.
  • おい、ちょっと待て。お前の持っているその短剣…よく見せてくれ。 A)
  • Wh... A)
  • Wonderful... I'm glad I can count on you. A)
  • It's remarkable that a single person could craft items with this range of characteristics. If I had to choose one, I'd say the boorish dagger is particularly well made. The craftsman should be proud of their practical pieces. The other two are also well made, however... A)
  • You receive the dagger that Irma made.
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