| - Be Right Back
- BRB is een afkorting voor Be Right Back (Ben Zo Terug), dat wordt gezegd als de speler even weg moet om bijvoorbeeld naar het toilet te gaan, of de telefoon aan moet nemen. Categorie:Afkortingen Categorie:Game termen
- brb-Be Right Back. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- BRB means "Be Right Back", and is generally said in a game or chat, to let others know that they may not see any comments directed to them. Usually it means that the person shouldn't be gone too long before returning, however in some cases, it is used for a longer time of absence when the terms "AFK" or "BBL" could have been used as well.
- BRB is an acronym that stands for Be Right Back. It is generally typed when someone is either logging off, or steps away from the computer for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- BRB is an acronym that stands for Be Right Back. It is generally typed when someone is either logging off, or steps away from the computer for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- Acronym for Be Right Back
- BRB is leetspeak for "Be Right Back."
- Be right back, azaz rögtön jövök, több dolgot is jelenthez, a helyzettől függően. 1.
* utalhat arra, hogy a karakter megy valahova 2.
* a játékos AFK lesz egy rövid időre Emellett jelenthet bathroom breaket (pisiszünetet). Bár ez a definíció kicsit sántít. A legtöbb ember ekkor ugyanis egyszerűen elmennének a gép elől (AFK), ami gyakorlatilag ugyanazt jelentené mint a brb. A /brb parancs egy játékon belüli emote-ot hoz elő. Ez akkor hasznos, ha az ellenséges oldal egy képviselőjével szeretnéd tudatni, hogy el kell menned egy kicsit.
- be right back : bin gleich zurück Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
- BRB is an acronym for Be Right Back and may mean a couple different things, based on context. 1. The character is going somewhere by himself to do something in-game. 2. The user will be AFK for a short time. There is also an in-game emote activated by /brb. This is very handy if you wish to inform a member of the opposite faction that you are AFK or that you will return soon after moving your character away to do something.
- BRB is an acronym for Be Right Back and may mean a couple different things, based on context. 1. The character is going somewhere by himself to do something in-game. 2. The user will be AFK for a short time. There is also an in-game emote activated by /brb. This is very handy if you wish to inform a member of the opposite faction that you are AFK or that you will return soon after moving your character away to do something.
| - Be Right Back
- BRB is een afkorting voor Be Right Back (Ben Zo Terug), dat wordt gezegd als de speler even weg moet om bijvoorbeeld naar het toilet te gaan, of de telefoon aan moet nemen. Categorie:Afkortingen Categorie:Game termen
- brb-Be Right Back. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- BRB means "Be Right Back", and is generally said in a game or chat, to let others know that they may not see any comments directed to them. Usually it means that the person shouldn't be gone too long before returning, however in some cases, it is used for a longer time of absence when the terms "AFK" or "BBL" could have been used as well.
- BRB is an acronym that stands for Be Right Back. It is generally typed when someone is either logging off, or steps away from the computer for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- BRB is an acronym that stands for Be Right Back. It is generally typed when someone is either logging off, or steps away from the computer for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- Acronym for Be Right Back
- BRB is leetspeak for "Be Right Back."
- Be right back, azaz rögtön jövök, több dolgot is jelenthez, a helyzettől függően. 1.
* utalhat arra, hogy a karakter megy valahova 2.
* a játékos AFK lesz egy rövid időre Emellett jelenthet bathroom breaket (pisiszünetet). Bár ez a definíció kicsit sántít. A legtöbb ember ekkor ugyanis egyszerűen elmennének a gép elől (AFK), ami gyakorlatilag ugyanazt jelentené mint a brb. A /brb parancs egy játékon belüli emote-ot hoz elő. Ez akkor hasznos, ha az ellenséges oldal egy képviselőjével szeretnéd tudatni, hogy el kell menned egy kicsit.
- be right back : bin gleich zurück Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
- BRB is an acronym for Be Right Back and may mean a couple different things, based on context. 1. The character is going somewhere by himself to do something in-game. 2. The user will be AFK for a short time. This could also be used as an acronym for bathroom break. However, this definition is rather moot. Most people would have to leave their keyboard (go AFK) in order to answer nature's call, which would mean they would "be right back", which is the more standard definition that BRB takes. If BRB is to mean "time to take a general bathroom break", it is advisable to set a time limit by saying "BRB, everyone be back in 5 minutes", since it would be ineffective to leave it open to allow everyone to return at their own leisure. There is also an in-game emote activated by /brb. This is very handy if you wish to inform a member of the opposite faction that you are AFK or that you will return soon after moving your character away to do something.
- BRB is an acronym for Be Right Back and may mean a couple different things, based on context. 1. The character is going somewhere by himself to do something in-game. 2. The user will be AFK for a short time. This could also be used as an acronym for bathroom break. However, this definition is rather moot. Most people would have to leave their keyboard (go AFK) in order to answer nature's call, which would mean they would "be right back", which is the more standard definition that BRB takes. If BRB is to mean "time to take a general bathroom break", it is advisable to set a time limit by saying "BRB, everyone be back in 5 minutes", since it would be ineffective to leave it open to allow everyone to return at their own leisure. There is also an in-game emote activated by /brb. This is very handy if you wish to inform a member of the opposite faction that you are AFK or that you will return soon after moving your character away to do something.