| - A conservative on the political spectrum tends to be for the status quo, consistency, and traditional forms, while being against any change on the grounds that it might be for the worse. In America today, the term has been conflated by many with very narrow social and religious prescriptions and co-opted by the far-right. During the 2008 election campaign, an article in Atlantic Monthly contrasted the old-fashioned conservatism of Edmund Burke with the right-wing radicalism of Newt Gingrich and company. Contemporary American conservatives specialize in making appeals to ignorance, fear and selfishness.
| - A conservative on the political spectrum tends to be for the status quo, consistency, and traditional forms, while being against any change on the grounds that it might be for the worse. In America today, the term has been conflated by many with very narrow social and religious prescriptions and co-opted by the far-right. During the 2008 election campaign, an article in Atlantic Monthly contrasted the old-fashioned conservatism of Edmund Burke with the right-wing radicalism of Newt Gingrich and company. Contemporary American conservatives specialize in making appeals to ignorance, fear and selfishness. Note that left/right and liberal/conservative are only regarded as synonymous in the United States. In the UK, the Liberal Democrats are both socially and economically liberal (yet more on the fluffy socialistic side and not very libertarian) although they recently sold out to the Tories for a shot at power. In Australia, the Liberal Party are the direct analogues of the US Republicans or the UK Conservatives - they're economically liberal and socially very conservative. Explaining this to American conservatives tends to make their heads explode. Conservatives are usually mad at the damned liberals, because the latter may, by sheer presense, threaten the equilibrium of the Universe, and therefore inadvertedly bring forth dark forces from lower planes. In self-defence any righteous conservatives therefore have to attack anything that even remotely might threaten the moral majority and their young innocent children from any deviation from The Truth.