| - Standing at 5'9, Ryssa is of lean,athletic build; good genes coupled with a rigorous daily exercise routine and occasional physical work keep her fit. Bronze complexion and almond shaped eyes add to the exoticness, while her face is dominated by a yellow Kiffar tattoo, markings traditionally passed from her mother's side. The same geometric symbolism adorns both her left upper arm and her right ankle. Being a woman of functionality, Ryssa enjoys wearing working clothes such as cargo pants, heavy boots and simple tank-tops in a palette of rich earth-coloured tones. A shabby looking overcoat is often worn to blend in with the crowds, cleverly concealing various gadgets found hooked to her in utility belt.
| - Standing at 5'9, Ryssa is of lean,athletic build; good genes coupled with a rigorous daily exercise routine and occasional physical work keep her fit. Bronze complexion and almond shaped eyes add to the exoticness, while her face is dominated by a yellow Kiffar tattoo, markings traditionally passed from her mother's side. The same geometric symbolism adorns both her left upper arm and her right ankle. Being a woman of functionality, Ryssa enjoys wearing working clothes such as cargo pants, heavy boots and simple tank-tops in a palette of rich earth-coloured tones. A shabby looking overcoat is often worn to blend in with the crowds, cleverly concealing various gadgets found hooked to her in utility belt. "Technically, it can penetrate anything - very much like yourself. ―Ryssa to James Potentia upon delivering a higly modified DL-44 heavy blaster pistol he requested Despite having no formal education, Ryssa is intelligent, cunning and above all - resourceful. She possesses outstanding social intelligence, successfully dealing with members of the law enforcement as well as some of the most dangerous criminals. As a versatile negotiator with eye for details, she maintains contacts with The Hutts, pirates and bounty-hunters, making up a formidable social network many envy. Nevertheless, Kataar has not lost her moral compass, resorting to violence if there is no other option left. In her opinion, the world is pervaded by shades of grey - there is no light or darkness, no right or wrong. In this regard, Ryssa Kataar could be considered a moral relativist. Witty and laid-back, Ryssa often conceals her emotional side, reserving such feelings for her son Gaen. Family values were always held in high regard. Otherwise, she enjoys her freedom and subsequent detachment from obliging relationships.