| - Peel was a self-confessed vinyl junkie who filled Peel Acres with all manner of obscure and one-off recordings. His preferred format was vinyl: he was never a fan of compact discs, and would only purchase a CD of an album if there was no vinyl equivalent. He once incurred the wrath of his family and show staff by spending hours in Groningen searching for a record shop that turned out to be directly opposite the hotel where he was staying. He would frequently beseech listeners to send him copies of records he did not have and beg friends and acquaintances going on holiday to exotic parts of the world to bring him back recordings from those places. He was loath to part with any of them, instituted a card index system in 1969 to catalogue them, and even had a shed built at his home to accommodate part of the groaning mountain of ephemera. He also instituted a star rating system to help decide whether he would play tracks on his radio shows. Peel described this on his 28 May 1979 show: * = 'I might play it to you', ** = 'I should play it', *** = 'I must play it' and **** = 'A live classic'. On occasion, Peel put more than 4 stars on tracks: Teenage Kicks had 44 stars on the singles cover. Despite all this, it appears his appetite for amassing recorded music remained undimmed and that he could never have enough: for example, he was put out on hearing that Mike Read was given an entire collection by a fan. "What I want to know is, why doesn't this happen to me?" (12 February 1980) Moreover, his obsession did not go unnoticed by others, even at the start of his BBC career. On 31 December 1967, he remarks that he is short of money and the show's co-presenter Tommy Vance observes that Peel spends some of his earnings on "the most way-out album collection in London". Much later, he told his listeners: "I('ve) got a very small part in a film....called Five Seconds To Spare....The part I play (I don't know what on earth gave them the idea for this) is that of a grumpy bloke who spends most of his life filing records at a radio station. What an imagination." (07 February 2000 (BFBS)) According to The John Peel Centre For Creative Arts (JPCCA), the collection comprises over 26,000 LPs, 40,000 singles and thousands of CDs.