| - Jon Bon Jovi, właśc. John Francis Bongiovi Jr. (ur. 2 marca 1962 w Perth Amboy) – Amerykanin pochodzenia włoskiego, muzyk rockowy, autor tekstów, producent, aktor, założyciel i wokalista grupy Bon Jovi. W 2006 roku piosenkarz został sklasyfikowany na 31. miejscu listy 100 najlepszych rockowych wokalistów wszech czasów według Hit Parader.
- Jon Bon Jovi (born John Francis Bongiovi, Jr.) is an American musician who made his debut on the 1980 Star Wars Christmas album entitled Christmas in the Stars. On the album, he was credited as John Bongiovi. With George Lucas' permission, Bon Jovi named Big & Rich's 2012 album Hillbilly Jedi.
- Jon Bon Jovi, is an American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer and actor, best known as the founder and lead singer of rock band Bon Jovi, which was formed in 1983. During his career, he has released two solo albums and eleven studio albums with his band, which to date have sold over 130 million albums worldwide making them one of the world's best-selling music artists.
- Jon Bon Jovi es un PNJ de Ciudad Estudio en Los Sims: Superstar. Se lo puede encontrar fácilmente en estudios de grabación de música, y solo se le puede pedir autógrafos y alabarlo. Está basado en el cantante real Jon Bon Jovi y su cara es más realista que la de los otros cantantes parodiados. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Los Sims: Superstar Categoría:Sims famosos Categoría:PNJs Categoría:Sims adultos Categoría:Sims hombres Categoría:Parodias
- John Francis Bongiovi, Jr, was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, the son of two former marines and a hairdresser (that explains a bit) John Francis Bongiovi, Sr and one-time Playboy bunny Carol Sharkey. He is Italian-American. Bon Jovi went to school and all that shit but in the end it's not important because for all the effort he ended up making music that some say is the cause of all the problems in the world today.
- Jon Bon Jovi (born John Francis Bongiovi, Jr.; March 2, 1962) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and actor, best known as the founder, occasional rhythm guitarist, and lead singer of rock band Bon Jovi, which was named after him. Throughout his career, he has released two solo albums and eleven studio albums with his band, which to date have sold over 120 million albums worldwide. Тhe band was declared the second richest band for 2011, behind U2, earning an approximate $125 million income. In addition, Jon Bon Jovi is one of the majority-owners of the Philadelphia Soul, a team playing in the Arena Football League. In 2010, President Barack Obama named Jon Bon Jovi to the White House Council for Community Solutions.
- Trascorse la sua infanzia a Sayreville, dove ricevette la sua prima chitarra all'età di sette anni, che iniziò a strimpellare solo dopo aver finito di pettinarsi i capelli, intorno ai dieci anni. Iniziò a militare in varie band della sua città e a rifiutare contratti cinematografici dalla Paramount, fino a quando al liceo non conobbe Richie Sambora, futuro chitarrista della band, che gli insegnò ad applicare perfettamente lo smalto per le unghie anche sotto l'effetto di Marijuana.