- See town for town amenities.
- Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands. It has a population of about 1,000,000 and a metro area of about 6,700,000 people.
- Amsterdam is the capital city in The Netherlands. During the Ori plague outbreak on Earth, several confirmed cases of the virus where reported in this city. (SG1: "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2")
- Amsterdam of the capital of the Netherlands. As a spy during World War I, Indiana Jones stopped in Amsterdam in 1917 to meet with a contact before being continuing on to his mission in Prague.
- Amsterdam {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1.
* (ville des Pays-Bas).
- Amsterdam is a SIM created by Stroker Serpentine.
- Amsterdam is the 3rd venue in vocals,
- Amsterdam on Hollanin pääkaupunki.
- Fred was a crazy driver - he took us at 100 miles per hour (160 kmh) ~ Al Stewart
- Name: Amsterdam Year: 1999
- Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands and the earthly manifistation of HELL! It can be found in "Tourist's Guide to Hell and Beyond" in the index under: "AmsterDAMN." Located in the south of the province North Holland. The name Amsterdam literally means "HELL ON EARTH". The city was founded in the late 12th century by a small Satanic Cult. The historical centre with its concentric altars was largely built during the Dutch Golden Shower in the 17th century. As of January 1, 2006 the city of Amsterdam has a population of 743,027 doomed souls and is by population size the largest city in the Netherlands.
- The flag of Amsterdam.
- 非常に美しいアムステルダム駅のある場所。初期の観光名所のひとつ。一度駅舎がeBayで売り出され、結果として5万ドルの値が付いた。
- Amsterdam was a city in the Netherlands. Jessi Bandison was raised in Amsterdam by her parents, both diplomats, before moving to the U.S. when she was in middle school. (Veto Power) Jeffrey Newton, one of the individuals on the United States' WET List, had an address listed at 56 Gurrum in Amsterdam. ("Day 5: 8:00pm-9:00pm")
- Amsterdam is the capital and largest city of the Netherlands, located in the province of North Holland in the west of the country. The city comprises the northern part of the Randstad, the 6th-largest metropolitan area in Europe, with a population of around 6.7 million.
- Amsterdam, a Terran city-state in Western Europe, as well as the historic capital of the Netherlands, is one of the four member states of the Four-City Alliance. Although the city is primarily composed of a human population, the Amsterdam underworld was dominated by the Methuselah clan of Carrel van der Verf, Count of Amsterdam, until the count's death in 3060 AD.
- Amsterdam, più comunemente nota come "Il paese dei Balocchi", è una città dei Paesi Bassi, da molti ritenuta la capitale (o per ignoranza o per abuso di stupefacenti). Secondo alcune teorie non dimostrate, il famoso personaggio di fantasia Alice, si trovava in questa città subito prima di accedere al magico paese delle meraviglie.
- Amsterdam was the entry sent by the Netherlands in the Eurovision Song Contest 1980, performed by Maggie MacNeal. The song is a favourite of many, and it favours the capital of the Netherlands itself, and there was a "superb atmosphere" and that it is "the city where everything's possible". The song was performed 15th on the night, following Portugal and preceding France. At the close of voting, it finished in fifth place.
- Concertgebouw was located in Amsterdam. In 2369, Julian Bashir referred to the city as "old Amsterdam". (DS9 novel: Bloodletter) The Steamrunner-class Federation starship USS Amsterdam is named for this location. (ST video game: Armada II)
- Amsterdam ist die Hauptstadt der Niederlande, einem Staat der Erde. Robin Stuart und Colin Frazer, der Cousin von Tegan Jovanka, reisen als Backpacker durch die Stadt und geraten dadurch in Gefahr. Im amsterdamer Stadtgebiet befindet sich eine Schnittstelle dieses Universums mit dem Bogen der Unendlichkeit, deswegen landet Omega mit seiner TARDIS dort um seine Rückkehr durchzuführen. Sein Plan wird allerdings durch den Fünften Doctor vereiltet, dessen Gestalt er auch kurzzeitig annimmt. (Arc of Infinity) Kategorie:Doctor Who Handlungsorte Kategorie:Städte und Ortschaften
- Amsterdamday.png|Amsterdam at daytime IMG 1352-3-.PNG|Amsterdam at nighttime Amsterdam is a city in , in . It has a population of 2.87 Million and is a .
- Amsterdam - holenderska seria tanich piw produkowanych przez browar Grolsch głównie w celach eksportowych. Seria zawiera piwa od bezalkoholowych po super mocne - 11,6% obj. Do serii należą:
- miniatur| Das Wappen von Amsterdam Die Universitätsstadt Amsterdam ist die Hauptstadt der Niederlande und liegt in der Provinz Nordholland. Sie grenzt an Amstelveen, Diemen und Ouder-Amstel. Amsterdam ist in sieben Bezirke und 97 Ortsteile gegliedert.
- Last year’s Over het IJ festival, where theater takes place in shipping containers.
- Op 3 juni 1875 werd de eerste paardentramlijn van de AOM, de Amsterdamsche Omnibus Maatschappij (opgericht in 1872 door onder meer Karel Herman Schadd), in gebruik genomen. Deze verbond de Plantage met het Leidscheplein. In het laatste kwart van de 19e eeuw werden paardentramlijnen aangelegd door de belangrijkste straten van Amsterdam en werden alle buurten binnen de Singelgracht met de Dam verbonden. Ook kwamen er lijnen naar de toenmalige nieuwbouwwijken, zodat er aan het einde van de eeuw zo'n vijftien tramlijnen waren naar onder andere de Vondelstraat, Overtoom, Willemsparkweg, Amsteldijk, Linnaeusstraat, Weesperzijde, Bilderdijkstraat en Ceintuurbaan. In de huidige lijnen 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 en 13 zijn nog duidelijk de routes van de oorspronkelijke paardentramlijnen te herkennen.
- Amsterdam is a major city of the Europia United. It most notably is the location of a Japanese/Eleven ghetto. Yukiya Naruse used to live in this ghetto until he constructed and detonated an IED at his school, collapsing the building and killing everyone in it, before he escaped through the sewers.
- Amsterdam is the Dutch capital in the Civilization games and elsewhere, and sometimes appears as a city-state. In real life, it was not fully independent from Spanish rule until 1648, when the 80-year-long revolt led by William of Orange ended with the Dutch gaining their independence from Spain.
- Amsterdam, capital and largest city of the Netherlands, is the place of the Empire's last major battle where the Allied Field Marshall, Robert Bingham made his last stand along with the Soviet survivors. It was the location of the Allied FutureTech Lab and headquarters. The city was demolished in a desperate attempt by an experimental superweapon from Dr. Zelinsky, but it cannot survive the Imperial army that destroyed it.
- Amsterdam är en stad i Nederländerna. Under Ori pest utbrott på Jorden, flera bekräftade fall av viruset där redovisas i denna stad. (SG1: "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2") kategori:Platser i Europa
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Amsterdam/preload editintro=Amsterdam/editintro width=25
- Anne Berkowitz told the students of Junipero Middle School how she lived in a hidden small room in Amsterdam for three years (1942-5) while hiding from the Nazis.
- Amsterdam (auch: Mokum, latein: Amstelodamum, Amstelodanum oder Amstelaedamum), Hauptstadt der Niederlande.
- Amsterdam was the capital and largest city of the Netherlands. In 1965, the Intrusion Countermeasures Group extracted the Russian chessmaster Shurik Barkov from Amsterdam. (AUDIO: Peshka) In January 1983, Omega established his base in Amsterdam during his plan to bond with the Fifth Doctor using his biodata extract. He captured Colin Frazer, Robin Stuart and Tegan Jovanka. At this point in time, the city was located on the curve of the Arc of Infinity when Omega had shifted it: Amsterdam being below sea level helped to maintain pressure for fusion conversion.
- In 2001 they released their debut album, "Attitunes". The outfit were championed by Radio 2's Janice Long and also secured some high profile support slots that year with Elvis Costello. Late 2002 saw the digital-only release of second album "The Curse", which contained the stand-out track, "Does This Train Stop On Merseyside?". The song was brought to Peel's attention following its inclusion on a compilation LP and instantly became one of the DJ's favourite tunes of 2003. It was subsequently voted into that year's Festive 50.
- is the capital city of the Netherlands, located in the south of the province North Holland. The name Amsterdam literally means Amstel dam. The city was founded in the late 12th century as a small fishing village. The historical centre with its concentric canals was largely built during the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century. As of January 1, 2006 the city of Amsterdam has a population of 743,027 inhabitants and is by population size the largest city in the Netherlands. The urban area has a population of 1,209,419 inhabitants and is part of the conglomerate metropolitan area Randstad, with a population of 6,659,300 inhabitants.
- The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics. Amsterdam is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world and is a centre of bicycle culture with good facilities for cyclists such as bike paths and bike racks, which pervade the city. In 2006, there were about 465,000 bicycles in Amsterdam. Theft is widespread - in 2005, about 54,000 bicycles were stolen in Amsterdam. Bicycles are used by all socio-economic groups due to their convenience, Amsterdam's small size, the large number of bike paths, the flat terrain, and the arguable inconvenience of driving an automobile. A wide variety of bicycles are used, such as road bicycles, mountain bikes, racing bikes and even recumbent bikes, but
- Amsterdam es la capital de Nederland (Europa), ma la governa nederlandes es locada en Den Haag. La nom vea es Aemstelredamme ce sinifia "la parario a la rio Amstel". La nom es un ereta, per ce la dam (parario) en la nom es en realia un dijk (paramar). Donce, la nom coreta ia ta es "Amsterdijk". Amsterdam es famos per: La nom reveni en:
* en Nederland, un 'amsterdammertje' (amsterdamoreta) es un vitro grande de bir
* la nom vea de New York ia es Nieuw Amsterdam cuando la site ia es un colonia nederlandes
- Amsterdam is the capital city of Holland. Amsterdam has been featured in Emmerdale a few times including.
* 1995: Linda Glover and Danny Weir went on holiday to Amsterdam.
* 1997: Marika, a girl who Vic Windsor met in Amsterdam, turned up in Emmerdale to stir things with him and Viv. Terry Woods also went to Amsterdam at the same time.
* 2014: Kirin Kotecha asks his dad Rakesh for a loan to go to Amsterdam with his mates, but Rakesh refuses.
* 2015: Rodney Blackstock went on holiday to Amsterdam and came home with a pornographic DVD entitled 'Busty Cream Cake Cafe Girls' for Jimmy King. Jimmy then told Rodney it starred his new employee, Tracy Shankley. Jimmy refused to watch it but Rodney did, bein interrupted by daughter Bernice Blackstock but deciding to watch it together
- Amsterdam is a mythical city that few people anymore believe to exist. Legend has it that it rises from the sea somewhere between Holland and Norway, due north of Germany at varying intervals. The myth is at least as old as the ancient Greeks, although the name derives from Latin and is several hundred years newer than the story itself. The "myth" of Amsterdam is still perpetuated by hippies who claim to have once visited or have talked to someone who has visited Amsterdam. Hippies usually speak of vast amounts of red lights, drugs, and coffee shops. There is believed to be places where you get enjoy coffee, drugs in a red lit area! Some hippies are right though since there are Amsterdams in the world. One is in Netherlands and the other is in New York. Unfortuatly the one in New York can'
- Amsterdam, situated in North Holland, at the point where the Amstel and IJ rivers converge, is the capital of Holland. The city, built on 90 small islands, linked by over 500 bridges, spans out from its old historic district, located at the water’s edge. Amsterdam is a double-sided city, of water and land, of orderliness and beauty and a network of canals, islands and waterways that blend harmoniously with the surrounding houses. This historic area is home to the city’s administration centre, various large business organizations, the stock exchange and the Dam and Rokin banks.
- Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands. Founded in the late 12th century as a small fishing village on the banks of the Amstel, it is now the largest city in the country and its financial and cultural centre. As of 2005, the population of the city proper is 742,209; the population of the greater Amsterdam area is approximately one and a half million. There is sometimes confusion about the country and its capital. Amsterdam is in the region of North Holland; Holland is no longer a country in its own right. Gravenhaag (The Hague, also known as Den Haag), also in the region of North Holland and technically that region's capital, is the main seat of the Royal Family and sometimes contended to be the national capital. As an aside, The Hague is also home to the United Nations War Crime
- Amsterdam is the 65th level in Chip's Challenge 1. Actually, it's a rather frozen Amsterdam, with ice canals, but you can imagine it's winter. The general structure of the level is a "2" shape, with an arm under the northwest corner of the 2. Although Amsterdam is a fairly large maze, most of the sections run together with each other, so it is not hard.
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Amsterdam article. Take me to the [ Amsterdam] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- Amsterdam is de hoofdstad van het graafschap Holland. Deze stad heeft een meer waar men naar hartelust kan vissen. Momenteel staat de stad onder leiding van burgemeester Petrus Antonius de Ligne. Zie hier de Lijst van de burgemeesters van Amsterdam. Met 48 inwoners is het de kleinste stad van Holland. De voornaamste redenen voor dit kleine inwoneraantal zijn: Toch is Amsterdam niet onbelangrijk: gezien haar functie als hoofdstad komen veel spelers haar bezoeken voor de universiteit. Rijkere spelers kunnen zich in Amsterdam ook een appartementje veroorloven.
- The maiden voyage of the Amsterdam was planned from the Dutch island Texel to the settlement Batavia in the East Indies. The ship, commanded by the 33-year-old captain Willem Klump, had 203 crew, 127 soldiers, and 5 passengers. The Amsterdam was laden with textiles, wine, stone ballast, cannon, paper, pens, pipes, domestic goods and 27 chests of silver guilder coins. The whole cargo would be worth several million euros in modern money.