- Hairy creature with long neck.
* Their hair can be used to trap the victims.
* Their bodies are covered with iron scales.
* Their gaze can kill.
* One can be found in the Puzzle Canal
- Catoblepas est un ennemi Gummi apparaissant dans , dont le modèle de Vaisseau Gummi peut être acquis.
- An animal with fluffy fur and a huge eye. Their sluggish movement and cute appearance make people want to pet them, but their eyes can petrify any who make direct visual contact. Eye contact among the herd is, of course, a bad idea, so they communicate via telepathy. The Catoblepas uses the statistics for the Catoblepas from the Pathfinder Bestiary with the following changes. [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/catoblepas]
- Catoblepas is monster #20 from the Series 1 figures and was remade in the 2006 Series.
- A catoblepas was a mix of buffalo, dinosaur, warthog and hippopotamus that lived in swamps and wastelands. Legends said that hags raised catoblepases like cattle and fed on their milk. Its most feared ability was its deadly gaze. The flavorful death cheese sold by Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue was made by using catoblepas milk gathered by blind monks.
- Catoblepas (cat-oh-BLEE-pas, "that which holds its head down") is a beast from Roman mythology.
- The catoblepas in a monster added in SLASH'EM. It possesses a fatal gaze attack that will kill you immediately if you are not undead, blind, magic resistant, or reflecting. There is a 75% chance that the gaze will miss plus another 66% if you are either invisible or displaced. If you are reflecting and the gaze would have connected, then it will kill the gazer. Although the catoblepas is not randomly generated, it is a valid polymorphable form, so it is perfectly possible for a chameleon or intelligent monster with a wand of polymorph or polymorph trap to suddenly turn into a cateblepas. It is also possible to self polymorph into a catoblepas, but beware of monsters with reflection, as it is perfectly possible to kill yourself by your own reflected gaze.
- Catoblepas is a legendary creature from Ethiopia, described first by Pliny the Elder and later by Claudius Aelianus. It is said to have the body of a buffalo and the head of a hog. Its back has scales that protect the beast, and its head is always pointing downwards. Its stare or breath could either turn people into stone, or kill them. The catoblepas is often thought to be based on real-life encounters with wildebeast, such that some dictionaries say that the word is synonymous with "gnu."
- A legendary animal from Ethiopia first described by Pliny the Elder in his travels. It had the body of a buffalo and the head of a hog. Its stare or its breath, depending on the account, could either turn people into stone or kill them instantly. It was considered a sluggish animal and had a heavy head, with its face always looking down at the ground. Claudius Aelianus, a Roman author, who wrote On the Nature of Animals described the Catoblepas as a medium-sized herbivore (roughly the size of a bull) with a heavy mane, beady eyes and shaggy eyebrows. He depicted the animal as having a poison breath, which derived from eating poisonous vegetation. It is believed that both figures were describing a real animal, the gnu, a type of wildebeest. Its name means "downward-looking" in Greek.
- Il Catoblepas è un mostro apparso in diversi titoli della saga di Final Fantasy. In alcuni titoli è anche chiamato Catoblepa o Catoplepas. Questo mostro non ha mai avuto un aspetto definito in tutti i capitoli della saga, pur essendo basato su una creatura mitologica. In alcuni capitoli è classificato come una varietà di behemoth, in altri è una varietà di lucertola. In altri titoli ancora, è un nemico a se stante, simile a un enorme mammifero verde con un lungo collo, corna o zanne affilate e un solo, enorme occhio. In ogni caso, si tratta quasi sempre di un nemico pericoloso per la sua capacità di infliggere lo status negativo Pietra.
- thumb|right|200px|Catoblepas O catoblepas (do grego katôbleps, "que olha para baixo", em grego) é um animal citado na História Natural de Plínio, o Velho (livro VIII). Vive na Etiópia, perto das cabeceiras do Nilo, é lento de movimentos e de tamanho moderado. Sua cabeça é extraordinariamente pesada e o animal a carrega com a maior das dificuldades, mantendo-a sempre voltada para a terra. Se não fosse por essa circunstância, a espécie humana seria destruída, pois qualquer ser que caia sob seus olhos é instantaneamente morto.