Asu Tsubaki (椿あす, Tsubaki Asu) is a female mangaka from Nagasaki, Japan, who graduated from Yoyogi Animation Gakuin. In 2000, she received attention for winning a manga award from Gangan Comics for her work Healthy Love, which is about a cross-dressing boy. Her ex-husband, Mattsu, is a manga storywriter. The two divorced in June 2008. Their collaboration He Is My Master was made into a TV anime.
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| - Asu Tsubaki (椿あす, Tsubaki Asu) is a female mangaka from Nagasaki, Japan, who graduated from Yoyogi Animation Gakuin. In 2000, she received attention for winning a manga award from Gangan Comics for her work Healthy Love, which is about a cross-dressing boy. Her ex-husband, Mattsu, is a manga storywriter. The two divorced in June 2008. Their collaboration He Is My Master was made into a TV anime.
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| - Asu Tsubaki (椿あす, Tsubaki Asu) is a female mangaka from Nagasaki, Japan, who graduated from Yoyogi Animation Gakuin. In 2000, she received attention for winning a manga award from Gangan Comics for her work Healthy Love, which is about a cross-dressing boy. Her ex-husband, Mattsu, is a manga storywriter. The two divorced in June 2008. Their collaboration He Is My Master was made into a TV anime.