| - A discription of the 3D modeller.
- The gigantic blender is only seen in the non-canon animation Incident: 001A in which Hank throws several l33t agents and a Mag Agent: V2 into it. When Hank first stumbles upon it, he shakes with glee and exclaims "OMG" at the prospect of using it. He then proceeds to throw several l33t agents into it with an axe and his bare hands, before attacking a Mag Agent: V2. The animation finishes with Hank jumping on the mag agent, pushing him further down into the blender.
- Blender is a free open source 3D graphics application, available under the GNU General Public License
- The blender was invented in the early 1920s along with other machines to mix drinks and make things like milk shakes, purees and cocktails. They have also been used in laboratories, but the main use is in kitchens and food preparation. Blenders come in different sizes with different strengths. Smaller blenders are designed to make a drink for a single user. Larger blenders can blend much more. Blenders work best if some of the contents are liquid. Most can crush or chop ice into a frozen drink like a smoothy or shake.
- Blender è un programma Open Source di grafica e animazione 3D. Le sue caratteristiche, che normalmente si possono trovare solo in programmi a pagamento, lo rendono uno strumento veloce e potente alla portata di tutti coloro che vogliono lavorare e/o divertirsi con una dimensione in più! L'ultima versione è la 2.48a le communities abbonano su inetrnet
- Blender is Ben's Snevet alien.
- Blender is a character in the show, Spongeorama.
- This is a free 3D graphics rendering software.
- Blender является очень лёгким демоном. Сложностей в нём практически нет, разве что сферы-ловушки. Уровень сделан незадолго после выхода 2.0 и продекорирован неплохо для того времени. Сейчас декор может показаться не очень красивым. Длина уровня - 1 минута 2 секунды. Также уровень является не очень популярным среди уровней со сложностью frameless|32px|link=Уровни сложности#Demon (Демон).
- In "Der Rand der Welt" werden die abergläubischen Dörfler aus dem Oberen Ort von Blendern heimgesucht. Sie geben diesen Kreaturen die Schuld, dass die (anständigen) Burschen im Rausch nicht nach Hause finden. Blender werden weiterhin im Roman "Der Schwalbenturm" ("Wieża Jaskółki") erwähnt.
- Blender is an enemy from Clarence's Big Chance and is only found in the Kitchen of Clarence's House. The Blender can walk forward and have juice droplets splashing out as a result. If Clarence jumps on the Blender while it is moving, he will take damage. However, the Blender must stop and refill, which leaves it vulnerable for Clarence to jump on.
- You can use a Blender to blend recipes for your pet to drink! There are four blenders in the WShop: Funky Girl Blender Chrome Blender Icy Cool Blender
- An electric kitchen appliance that consists of a tall container with a removable lid and motor driven blades at the bottom that blend, chop, mix, or liquefy foods depending on the speed setting selected. There are a few types of specialty blenders. Hand blenders (also known as Immersion Blenders) are great for making cocktails and for blending soups right in the cooking pot. Smoothie blenders have a special blending jar and a more powerful motor for dealing with tough ice and fruits.
- Blender-wa libörol guŋhoi kontent 3D kontent krieiçion softwärset, aveilàbol für ol meijā opèreitiŋ sistèms under the GNU General Public License.
- Blender boasts many features, being a full modelling suite capable of animation, particles, modeling, and more. Glest does not support many things in the models, such as particles, and thus only features that have a use in Glest are listed below. This is not an exhaustive list.
* Ability to model a mesh
* Multi-object models
* Linking a texture to a model
* Exporting and importing in a large variety of formats
* Multi-window workspace
* Animation via bones and/or key frames
- Blender Company: Blender Foundation Author: -- (Freeware) (open source: GNU GPL) Windows OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP NOTES: A no install version is available. Other OS: Mac OSX;.Linux; Unix Languages: English Description: Blender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive creation and playback. Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and other media. Home page:
- เบลนเดอร์ เป็นซอฟต์แวร์เสรี สำหรับงานคอมพิวเตอร์กราฟิกสามมิติ สามารถใช้สร้าง โมเดลสามมิติ, คลี่ UV , ทำพื้นผิว (Texture), จัดการการเคลื่อนไหวแบบใช้กระดูก, จำลองการไหลของน้ำ, จำลองผิวหนัง, คอมพิวเตอร์แอนิเมชัน, เรนเดอร์, พาทิเคิล, การจำลองด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์อื่น ๆ, การตัดต่อและตบแต่งวีดิทัศน์และภาพผ่านระบบคอมโพสิต, และยังใช้สร้างแอปพลิเคชันแบบสามมิติได้อีกด้วย เบลนเดอร์ทำงานได้บนหลายระบบปฏิบัติการ, เช่น Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD และมีการพอร์ตอย่างไม่เป็นทางการไปยังระบบ BeOS, SkyOS, AmigaOS, MorphOS และ Pocket PC เบลนเดอร์มีคุณลักษณะทัดเทียมกับโปรแกรมสามมิติระดับสูงอื่นๆเช่น Softimage|XSI, Cinema 4D, 3 ดีเอสแมกซ์, Lightwave และ Maya โดยมีคุณลักษณะสำคัญเช่นการจำลองกองวัตถุล้มกระทบ, การกระทบกันระหว่าง ของไหล, ผ้าถูกลมพัดพริ้ว และโครงสร้างยืดหยุ
- Blender est certainement le logiciel 3D Open Source le plus connu et le plus utilisé au monde. Et avec raisons car il permet de faire presque tout ce qu'on voudrait faire avec un tel logiciel et beaucoup plus. Faut-il vraiment se priver de notre droit d'avoir un logiciel dans sa langue juste pour quelques fonctionalités non traduites ou mal traduites ? Vous pouvez donner votre avis sur la discussion associée à cette page mais sachez que cela n'aura aucun influence sur notre avis. Merci de votre compréhension.
- The Blender is a 10,000 pound explosive. It is carried in planes and dropped at heights of 30,000 ft. or higher. It creates such a crater that in 1907 it was ruled unfit for military use. Since then many rebel forces have tried using these to wipe the United States of America off the maps for good - but failed horribly. They are in fact alien technology that came from the Roswell Incident, which the Americans covered up. This incident of a cover up was letter brought to light by a very angry hippie named Adolf Hitler. After the wolrd found out just what exactally a "blender" was a widespread panic set in. The rebels who had tried to earlier use the blender rekindled their movtives and decided to make a final attempt during the time of absolute choas. They were sucsseful at retriving the de
- There are two blenders who appear in the The Brave Little Toaster franchise. The film-only blender never speaks. When Elmo St. Peters brings Toaster, Blanky, Radio, Lampy, and Kirby to his Parts Shop he uses the Blender to make himself a cold drink. He then gives it to Zeke, to which Toaster, his gang, Hanging Lamp, the Junkshop Appliances and the Blender all listen as the customer asks for a blender motor. The Blender tries to hide from Elmo behind a cereal box, but Elmo finds him and moves Toaster and the gang to a baby carriage. They then watch nervously as Elmo takes apart the Blender and takes its motor out to sell to Zeke. The Blender passes away after getting his motor taken out, since this is the only one left in the Parts Shop. The other blender is planned for the film, but never
- The first method of exporting was using the Goofos ASE Export Version 0.6.10b_UT and a specially crafted Blend file for the Re-Volt texture setup. Then, Asetools is used for converting the files to the Re-Volt formats. With the release of 2.5x series of Blender, the Goofos ASE Export method has become unfunctional. In addition, it never provided a way for adding Surface Properties and other useful features present in 3ds Max. This eventually led the users to search for another exporting method.
- Blender is a three-dimensional computer modeling and animation program. It began in 1995 as a rewrite of the animation software used by the Dutch animation studio NeoGeo. In 1998, NeoGeo's co-founder, Ton Roosendaal, founded the company Not a Number (NaN) to develop and promote Blender. The company expanded rapidly due in part to positive reaction to the software at the 1999 Siggraph convention. However, it overextended itself in its expansion and eventually shut down completely. Roosendaal founded the non-profit Blender Foundation in 2002 to continue development. Blender was distributed as Open-Source software and is continuing its development and distribution through the input of a community of volunteers.[1]