| - Chio: Captain! Are you-- Rinji: Hold this speed, keep an evasive maneuver, and don't worry; it's not my blood. [Running to the rear of the ship, looking onto the much slower, but more dangerous ship that was in hot pursuit.] Usagi: If you're too tired to do this, I-- Rinji: Of course not. I'll sleep when this is done. Ready your sword. Usagi: Aye, Captain [Unsheathing Migoto Hoshi slowly] Seaman: Captain Sool! We are almost ready to fire all cannons as per your orders! We've even readied all rifles! Seaman2: Cannons ready, Captain! Sool: Fire at will! Seaman: Captain! Are you seeing this?
| - Chio: Captain! Are you-- Rinji: Hold this speed, keep an evasive maneuver, and don't worry; it's not my blood. [Running to the rear of the ship, looking onto the much slower, but more dangerous ship that was in hot pursuit.] Usagi: If you're too tired to do this, I-- Rinji: Of course not. I'll sleep when this is done. Ready your sword. Usagi: Aye, Captain [Unsheathing Migoto Hoshi slowly] Seaman: Captain Sool! We are almost ready to fire all cannons as per your orders! We've even readied all rifles! Sool: Aim at their rudder, and their main mast. Do not let up the volley until it is absolutely necessary. They are sticking close to the main land, so do not deviate from this course. Seaman2: Cannons ready, Captain! Sool: Fire at will! Usagi: Itoryuu! Hentaigana! [Tracing the symbol of Oni with her sword in an instant, and then sending a huge blair of energy into the cannons, making many of them explode in midair.] Rinji: Bosushoku! Rinji Tsume! [Painting his claws in Haki and then striking one of the cannons straight back at the Marine ship] Usagi: Itoryuu... [sheathing her sword] Iai! Rakugaki! Rinji: Keep up the defensive, Usagi.[once again painting his hands with Haki, though much more slowly this time] Seaman: Captain! Are you seeing this? Sool: What is happening over there? [His eyes glared in disbelief as he saw a great shining entity on the deck of the Panno Marie] Rinji: [Thrusts hands onto the shield in front of him] Naibunjutsu! Hachihira BETTO! Usagi: Rest now, Rinji. [Placing her hand on the side of his face as his eyes completely closed, and he went completely unconscious]