| - As the name suggests, these practicing warriors can combat and kill yōkai despite lacking the spiritual powers of monks and priests, due to many years of training, and the use of special weapons or equipment made to combat demons. Due to their strength, specialized weapons and skills, they are mistaken by some people to be ninjas. Something that is furthered emphasized by the fact their overall combat attire resembles a ninja outfit with armor and some bears their own customization like Sango's having a pink theme color. Though they make their livelihood killing demons (Yōkai), they do not see all demons as a threat. In fact, they peacefully co-exist with demons who are friendly or do not pose a threat to humans. In the Demon Slayers' village (home to Sango and Kohaku), the nekomata Kirara lived in the village and aided the slayers in fighting yōkai. They harvest the remains of the demons they slay, specifically the bones, to forge into weapons. Before that, they purified their jaki and calm their hatred. From then on, the weapon, carrying the consciousness of the slain demons, forge a bond with the slayer, seeing them as their companion, holding no hatred towards humans and fight by their side. While strong, this bond is no less pregnable than most solid partnerships. If the taijiya carelessly damages their weapon somehow, such as when Sango sacrificed Hiraikotsu without a second thought to save Miroku from the bone demon and its father, the yōkai spirits will perceive this as a betrayal and become enraged at the wielder. This will also block any attempt to repair or reforge the weapon, as the demons will refuse to fight for the "traitor" again. Even so, the anger and hate born from such an act can be pacified enough to give the slayer a second chance if they're convinced that the subject or reason for the careless act is in some way worth it, as shown by the demons of Hiraikotsu's reaction to Miroku willingly drinking a potion from Yakurōdokusen to temporarily numb his sense of pain when sucking in poisons through his Kazaana. Though they still didn't understand the love that drove Sango to sacrifice them earlier, the depth of Miroku's resolve to protect her at all costs impressed the demons and earned back their respect.