Gary Conrad is an animation director, who has worked on shows like The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom. He studied at the Character Animation program at the California Institute of the Arts. Conrad has worked as a skilled cartoonist and artist.
Gary Conrad is an animation director, who has worked on shows like The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom. He studied at the Character Animation program at the California Institute of the Arts. Conrad has worked as a skilled cartoonist and artist.
Gary Conrad is the director of King of the Hill.
His other credentials include Bobby's World and This Is America, Charlie Brown.
Gary Conrad is an animation director, who has worked on shows like The Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom. He studied at the Character Animation program at the California Institute of the Arts. Conrad has worked as a skilled cartoonist and artist.
Gary Conrad is the director of King of the Hill.
His other credentials include Bobby's World and This Is America, Charlie Brown.