| - Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Luce was a female Dathomirian who was a member of the Nightsisters. She fought in the Battle of Dathomir using two blasters until she was killed.
- Luce is a supportive character on Conception 2. She was first mentioned by name near the end of Chapter 3 when Chlotz talked about the Star Conception Ritual and Chloe in turn asked if Chlotz would be asking Luce to go with him. The Main Character officially meets Luce in person at the beginning of chapter 4. Luce is a childhood friend of Alec Marker and is a 2nd Year Standard C-Rank Disciple. She is also the current Vice President of the Student Council at the Academy.
- Luce tenía un pelo muy curioso. Era azul en cresta horizintal. Luce llevava también tatuajes grises.
- From [[w:|]][[Category:it: derivations|Luce]] lūx (“‘light’”).
- Luce AKA "Zapper" is a man.
- Luce is a Daeva's Day Festival Staff.
- Luce is a character in Might & Magic X: Legacy.
- Luce is the Chiin Star in Suikoden III.
- Luce war eine Nachtschwester die mit all den anderen Nachtschwestern in der Schlacht von Dathomir fiel.
- La luce è un liquido molto indeciso che non sa bene se essere un'onda o un corpuscolo. Si trova dentro ai fari delle automobili, nelle lampadine, nelle stelle e alcuni fisici dicono anche in alcuni anni, detti anni luce.
- Luce (Prounounced Lucy ), also known as Yavanna is the keeper of the the Amulet of Light.
- Luce (ルーチェ Rūche) was the original holder of the Sky Arcobaleno Pacifier. Her name is pronounced as “lu-chay”, meaning "light" in Italian. Her animal partner is a squirrel named Cosmo.
- thumb|250px|right|Luce erwachsen und als Arcobaleno Luce ist die ursprüngliche Besitzerin des orange-farbenen Arcobaleno-Schnullers. Ihr Name bedeutet "Licht" in der italienischen Sprache. Sie ist die Mutter von Aria und die Großmutter von Yuni. Außerdem ist sie der ehemalige Boss der Giglio Nero Famiglia. Ab dem Zeitpunkt der Arcobaleno Trials ist ihr Status und Aufenthaltsort unbekannt. So muss Aria für sie einspringen und den Himmels-Trial für Tsuna vorbereiten. Im Anime scheint eine gute Beziehung zwischen ihr und Reborn zu bestehen. Sie findet, dass Reborns Koteletten das attraktivste Merkmal an ihm sind. Reborn beschreibt sie als "Zauberin, die die Zukunft vorhersagen kann".
- I mostri LUCE sono i tradizionali nemici dei mostri OSCURITA' . Generalmente i mostri appartenenti all'Attributo LUCE sono di Tipo Fata, Incantatore, Tuono, Macchina e spesso Guerriero, ma comprendono un grosso numero di mostri. Alcuni mostri LUCE si focalizzano su un grosso potere offensivo come "Drago Bianco Occhi Blu" e le fusioni di "Cyber Drago", ma altri si focalizzano sul rinforzare il controllore invece di danneggiare direttamente l'avversario, come aumentando i suoi Life Points o facendogli pescare carte dal Deck. I mostri LUCE sono usati da Kite Tenjo in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL.
- Luce (ルーチェ Rūche) is a high-levelled Light Magic tome from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. A more powerful version of the A-ranked Light Magic tome Aura, the Luce tome may be obtained in the final chapter of The Blazing Blade by defeating the Kenneth morph. When cast, swirls of divine energy will centripetally congregate into the centre of the immediate battlefield, charging up and eventually giving rise to an orb of light. As this orb of light absorbs more and more energy, it will eventually shatter and send a fury of light stakes in the direction of the selected enemy target.