| - thumb|250px thumb|250px|Das historische Hauptgebäude Die Coal Hill School, später Coal Hill Academy ist mehrfacher Handlungsort der Serie Doctor Who sowie Haupthandlungsort des Spin Offs Class. Sie befindet sich im Londoner Stadtteil Shoreditch in der Foreman Street und wurde um das Jahr 1873 gegründet.
- On 1 April 1963, Mr Okehurst and several students were killed by the Cold. (PROSE: Time and Relative) In 1963, history teacher Barbara Wright became intrigued by an unusual pupil in the school, Susan Foreman. She and science teacher Ian Chesterton followed Susan home from Coal Hill after Susan gave the address for herself and her grandfather as 76 Totter's Lane, a junkyard. They discovered that their student and her grandfather, in reality the first incarnation of the Doctor, were time travellers from another world. Barbara, Ian, and Susan subsequently left Coal Hill when the Doctor kidnapped the teachers in his TARDIS, which was in the junkyard, to ensure that they couldn't tell anyone about the ship. The Doctor also took his granddaughter away from 20th century Earth against her wishes.
| - thumb|250px thumb|250px|Das historische Hauptgebäude Die Coal Hill School, später Coal Hill Academy ist mehrfacher Handlungsort der Serie Doctor Who sowie Haupthandlungsort des Spin Offs Class. Sie befindet sich im Londoner Stadtteil Shoreditch in der Foreman Street und wurde um das Jahr 1873 gegründet.
- On 1 April 1963, Mr Okehurst and several students were killed by the Cold. (PROSE: Time and Relative) In 1963, history teacher Barbara Wright became intrigued by an unusual pupil in the school, Susan Foreman. She and science teacher Ian Chesterton followed Susan home from Coal Hill after Susan gave the address for herself and her grandfather as 76 Totter's Lane, a junkyard. They discovered that their student and her grandfather, in reality the first incarnation of the Doctor, were time travellers from another world. Barbara, Ian, and Susan subsequently left Coal Hill when the Doctor kidnapped the teachers in his TARDIS, which was in the junkyard, to ensure that they couldn't tell anyone about the ship. The Doctor also took his granddaughter away from 20th century Earth against her wishes. This started off Ian and Barbara's travels in time and space. (TV: "An Unearthly Child") In November 1963, Coal Hill's headmaster was H. Parson, who at some point came under the mental control of the Imperial Dalek faction attempting to locate the Hand of Omega. (TV: Rememberance of the Daleks) The deputy headmaster was Roger Kint, "a thin but robust Irishman." Ian and Barbara's classrooms were Class C3 and C4 respectively. (PROSE: Nothing at the End of the Lane) Later that year, a janitor of the school went missing. When headmaster Parson met the Seventh Doctor, Parson assumed that the Doctor came to apply for the job of school caretaker. Ultimately, the school became the site of what was later dubbed the Shoreditch Incident (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy), a battle between British military forces, scientists and the Seventh Doctor, and Imperial and Renegade Dalek forces that appropriated the school for their base of operations, installing a transmat in the basement. Most of the fighting occurred outside the school and at nearby 76 Totter's Lane, although the Doctor's companion, Ace, found herself in pitched battle with several Daleks inside the school. The Imperial Dalek shuttle eventually landed in the schoolyard, shattering glass. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) By this time, Rosa's, a café owned by a German Jewish woman named Rosa, was a popular hangout for Coal Hill students. (AUDIO: Hunters of Earth)