| - One of the more seedier areas of London which is renown for it's various strip clubs and adult entertainment shops. Soho resides in the west end of London. Some notable places in Soho are Leicester Square, Carnaby Street and Piccadilly Circus.
- Social Democratic Homosexual Organization (German: Die Sozialdemokratie Homosexuellenorganisation), or SoHo, is the LGBT wing of the Social Democratic Party of Austria.
- Soho on kaupunginosa Lontoossa.
- Soho is an area of London. Soho was once one of the many villages that encircled London, eventually being absorbed by the city when the British capital expanded.
- Soho is an elegant city, consisting on many attractions, like the Catwalk and Elevated Designs. This location promotes the fashionable designer Lady King.
- SoHo is a neighborhood in Manhattan. Its name is an acronym for "South of Houston Street". It is famous for arts, shopping, and the Downtown scene. In 1983, SoHo became the stomping ground of Arthur Blessard, who became known as the "SoHo Strangler". (SVU: "Redemption")
- Soho was a district of London. The Seventh Doctor and Chris Cwej visited Soho in 1958. (PROSE: Bad Therapy) In 2001, Anji Kapoor resided in Soho. (PROSE: Escape Velocity) File:StubTab.png
- Soho is an area in the centre of the West End of London, in the City of Westminster. It is an entertainment district which for much of the later part of the 20th century had a reputation for its sex shops as well as its night life and film industry. Since the early 1980s the area has undergone considerable transformation and is now a fashionable district of upmarket restaurants and media offices with only a small remnant of "sex industry" venues in the west of the area.
- Soho is a district of New York City which Aya Brea, Daniel Dollis and Kunihiko Maeda explore after Aya's third fight with Eve, at the end of Day Two. Maeda finds Aya and brings her back to a small apartment. Aya wakes up and meets Maeda who is watching the TV. Daniel arrives and Maeda explains about what is happening to the city. At the beginning of Day Three, the group gathers supplies from the nearby area before go to the American Museum of Natural History. After the events that transpire there, they find out that the Police Precinct is being attacked by NMCs.
- Si ce genre de phrases vous dit quelque chose, c'est que vous (ou votre entourage) avez déjà bu (ou vu) du Soho ! Mais connaissez vous cette fabuleuse boisson? De nombreuses personnes l'ignorent, mais cet alcool à une histoire aussi mouvementée que ses effets indésirables sont nombreux ! Alors, n'hésitez plus, foncez vous chercher un verre, continuez votre lecture, et tout ce que vous n'avez jamais voulu savoir sur le Soho vous sera dévoilé ! 150px|thumb|right|Une bouteille de Soho __TOC__
- Soho – dzielnica w Londynie, występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 i Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Graniczy z Camden Town od północy, z Hyde Parkiem od zachodu, z Westminster od południa oraz z City od wschodu. Znajduje się tutaj warsztat lakierniczy i posterunek policji.
- Soho ist ein Stadtteil aus Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 und Grand Theft Auto: London 1961, der sich im Nordwesten von London befindet. Er grenzt an Camden Town im Norden, City im Osten, Westminster im Süden und Hyde Park im Westen. Er basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Londoner Stadtteil Soho.
- Soho is an area of the City of Westminster and part of the West End of London. Long established as an entertainment district, for much of the 20th century Soho had a reputation for a seedy natureas well as night life and film industry. Since the early 1980s, the area has undergone considerable transformation. It now is predominantly a fashionable district of upmarket restaurants and media offices. During this time, a large proportion of the Wizarding world was beginning to descend as prices for housing were dropping and the environment allowed them to live a little more openly.
- El Solar and Heliosferic Observatory (SOHO) es una sonda espacial lanzada el 2 de diciembre de 1995 para estudiar el sol, comenzando sus operaciones científicas en mayo de 1996. Es un proyecto conjunto entre la ESA y la NASA. Aunque originalmente se planeó como una misión de sólo dos años, SOHO continúa en funcionamiento tras más de diez años en el espacio. Además actualmente es la fuente principal de datos del sol en tiempo real tan necesarios para la predicción del tiempo espacial. Hoy por hoy es una de las dos sondas (junto con el Advanced Composition Explorer) que se encuentran en la vecindad del punto L1, uno de los famosos Puntos de Lagrange.
- SoHo - австралийский кабельный и спутниковый телевизионный канал, доступный абонентам операторов Foxtel, Austar и Optus TV. Изначальный ретро канал, он сменил тематику программ на женскую в конце 1990-х. Позже он начал позиционировать себя как канал для женщин, сосредоточить внимание на своей драмы программирования. После нескольких творческих ребрендингов, репозиционирование к изменению тематики на драма- канала, убрав большую часть своих ток-шоу в последние годы, W возобновил вещание как SoHo, бренд, который запущен в Новой Зеландии в понедельник, 20 августа 2012 г. в 8:30 вечера.