| - Joel: Oh! I hope you're enjoying today's film, and I certainly hope those gypsy moons don't crash. Did you know that the "gypsy moons" is actually a reference to a popular song title from the 1920s? Mmm hmm. Don't remember? Well, here's our own Tom Servo, Gypsy and Crow to help you out doing their rendition of the Gypsy Moons. Hit it, kids! Tom: Oh, I'm tellin' ya, Gypsy, I love you! Gypsy: Really? Tom: And I know I'd love you, too, if only we could-- Crow: Why, you haven't a chance with a girl like her. It's me she cares for! Isn't that right, Gypsy? Gypsy: I can't decide. Gypsy: Oh! Gypsy: Ah!
| - Joel: Oh! I hope you're enjoying today's film, and I certainly hope those gypsy moons don't crash. Did you know that the "gypsy moons" is actually a reference to a popular song title from the 1920s? Mmm hmm. Don't remember? Well, here's our own Tom Servo, Gypsy and Crow to help you out doing their rendition of the Gypsy Moons. Hit it, kids! Tom: Oh, I'm tellin' ya, Gypsy, I love you! Gypsy: Really? Tom: And I know I'd love you, too, if only we could-- Crow: Why, you haven't a chance with a girl like her. It's me she cares for! Isn't that right, Gypsy? Gypsy: I can't decide. Crow: Can't decide? Well maybe this will help. Tom: (music starts, Servo whistles) Ba boom ba boom. Crow: (singing) I can't sleep, or clean my room, since you and I first had our swoony swoon-- Gypsy: Oh! Crow: --in early June, under the clear, blue gypsy moon. Gypsy: Ooh, that's nice. Crow: Thank you. Tom: No, no, no. Don't listen to him, honey! Listen to me! Gypsy: I should? Tom: While others have their tune, I know that I was meant for you. Gypsy: Ah! Tom: Yes, one and one makes two and that would be just me and you, honey! Gypsy: Oh! Tom: Strollin' arm and arm under a gyp-gyp-gypsy moon. Gypsy: Oh, very good. Tom: Take my hand! Oh, you can't. Gypsy: Oh. Crow: In Tom's head are macaroons, his family are all baboons! Gypsy: (laughs) Crow: But my love is a typhoon, and besides, my dad's a... tycoon! Gypsy: Oh, Daddy's got money! Crow: So come with me under the gyp-gyp-gypsy moon. Tom: Don't listen to that pin beak over there, listen to me! I'm a starter for the Bruins, so don'tcha leave my heart in ruins-- Gypsy: Ooh, a hockey player! Tom: I've been in a cocoon, but now I sing just like a loon! Gypsy: Oh! Tom: Since you and I sang tunes under a gyp-gyp-gypsy moon. Gypsy: I've got something to say! Crow: Yeah? Tom: Tell me! Tell me! Gypsy: (singing) Although I'd just as soon take NyQuil with a spoon Than listen to you two drone on about the gypsy moon If the choice between you too goons, I'd rather date Stacy Koons! Crow and Tom: (whisper) Stacy Koons? Crow: I think you judge too soon in this matter of the moon-- Gypsy: I did? (music changes) Crow: 'Cause when the lights go out-- Tom: Whoo! Crow: And we're sitting on the couch-- Gypsy: Whoo! (Joel rushes in) Crow: I'm gonna give ya everything--! (Joel clamps Crow's mouth down) Joel: Stop! Stop! We hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane. And now here's our own Al "Jazzbeaux" Collins with a message. Never again you guys. That's it.