| - Garagos (pronounced GAH-rah-gohs ), the Lord of War, was a god of war and exarch of Tempus, though he focused more on destruction than war itself.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Garagosa Celem każdego wyznawcy Garagosa (ga-ra-gosa) Rozbójnika jest wykąpanie się we krwi wroga w samym sercu konfliktu, który rozpoczął. Kiedy Garagosa został uznany za bóstwo wojny, zaczęto kojarzyć go ze zwycięstwem, które przynosiły raczej szał bitewny niż zdrowy rozsądek czy taktyka. Doprowadziło to w końcu do konfliktu z młodym półbogiem Tempusem o dominację nad całą sztuką wojenną.
- Garagos war der Gott des Krieges, bevor er von Tempus besiegt wurde. Heute hat er viel von seiner Macht verloren, aber noch immer verbreiten die Anhänger des Gottes des blutigen Gemetzels und der Kriegstreiberei Angst und Schrecken.
- Name: Garagos Divine rank: demigod Title(s): The Reaver, Master of All Weapons, Lord of War Symbol: a counterclockwise pinwheel of five snaky arms Home plane: Alignment: chaotic neutral Portfolio: war, skill-at-arms, destruction, plunder, clutching swords Worshipers: Worshiper alignment: N, CE, CG, NE, NG Cleric alignment: N, CN, NE, CE Domains: chaos, destruction, strength, war Favored weapon: "The Tentacus" [a pinwheel of five black, snaky arms each ending in a sword] (longsword) Festivals: none known
- Garagos is a lesser Faerûnian deity of war in the Forgotten Realms fictional setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game, though he focuses more on destruction and plunder than war itself. Garagos and Tempus are the only pair of deities that violate the otherwise strict rule against two gods of the same pantheon sharing the same portfolio, as both have the portfolio of war. Tempus merely tolerates Garagos for reasons of his own, a reason that many Realms scholars believe stems from the fact that Tempus dislikes mindless slaughter and destruction, and would be obliged to take on that portfolio if he slew his rival.
- The planet of Garagos was the first colony of the Confederacy. It was the home world of the Garagosians, and was renowned for the fine furs that came from there. Garagos housed 20.330.000, almost all of them Garagosians. They lived mostly as hunter-gatherers, but had become more civilized since their discovery. Unlike most others, the Confederacy had taken the Garagosians in as equals, and the Planetary Governor of Garagos was a Garagosian. The Planetary Governor of Garagos was the Garagosian Alin-Dul, appointed to his position by Joran Thorn himself.