History of location is unknown.
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- The Astoria was one of several Istanbul hotels that Indiana Jones visited in 1941 to pick up the trail of missing professor Basil Smith. He eventually found success at the Regency.
- Astoria is the town where the Goonies live. The town is on the western coast of the U.S.A
- The Republic of Astoria (Astorian - Република Асторија) was a nation on the Northern continent. Its capital city was Rastin. It had 4 neighbours: Ugaly in the north, Romeria and Reym-L-Dneurb in the East, and Bokia in the south. Its main broadcaster was Radio Television Astoria / Astorian TV (RTA)
- (See also main article Schools in Astoria, NY.)
- Astoria was an upmarket region of New York City. It was here that Carmine Rosato and Tony Rosato's compound were located until their destruction and takeover in 1959.
- Kategorie:Bild fehlt Astoria ist eine kleine Straße aus Grand Theft Auto IV, die sich in East Holland, Algonquin befindet. Sie beginnt bei der Vauxite Street und endet beim Vespucci Circus. Kategorie:Bild fehlt Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-IV-Straßen
- Astoria ist die Hauptstadt Durewas. .Die stadt wurde 1965 von Marie Karen deGroot gegründet. Das administrative Stadtgebiet Astoria hat offiziell 97.576Einwohner, in der Agglomeration leben 164.680 Menschen (Stand: jeweils 1. Januar 2005). Astoria ist eine der bedeutendsten Städte innerhalb der VSN und das überragende politische, wirtschaftliche sowie kulturelle Zentrum Durewas und der größter Verkehrsknotenpunkt des Landes (unter anderem mit dem Flughafen, sowie dem Eisenbahn- und Autobahnknotenpunkt). Astoria ist auch Sitz der GUS und des Senates von Durewa, sowie der Zentralen Notenbank der VSN.
- Astoria has a population of 4.200.000. Astorians make the majority of the population with about 93%.
- Astoria is a small-one block street in East Holland, Algonquin. It begins at Vauxite Street and ends at Vespucci Circus.
- Kosztolányi Dezső tér · Nagykőrösi út · Mészáros Lőrinc utca · Budafoki út/Szerémi sor · Szakorvosi rendelő · Szülőotthon · Fiastyúk utca · Gyöngyösi utca · Járműtelep utca · Váradi utca · Selmeci utca · Kolosy tér · Kavics utca · Margit híd, budai hídfő · Királyhágó utca · Budaörsi út/Villányi út · Pető Intézet · Kalotaszeg utca · Csóka utca · Golgota tér · Elnök utca · Nagyvárad tér · Budagyöngye · Tihamér utca · Egészségház · Mázsa utca · Kada utca · Venyige utca · Térkép · II. János Pál pápa tér · Kőbányai garázs · Pongrácz úti lakótelep · Őrház · Halom utca · Kőbánya felső vasútállomás · Pék utca · Kelenvölgy-Péterhegy · Fülőke utca · Rózsavölgy felső · Hungária út · Kossuth Lajos utca · Vas Gereban utca · Leányka utcai lakótelep · Savoyai Jenő tér · Lehel utca · Kossuth tér · Fő utca
- Astoria is the wife of Waldorf who appeared just once on The Muppet Show, in episode 413. __TOC__ Her physical appearance resembles that of Statler in drag, and she wears a single flower in her hat. Kermit declared that Astoria is just as bad as the two old geezers who frequent the show; Waldorf corrected the frog, stating that his spouse is a "geezeress," only to be hit in the head by her for making such a comment. In the Ask Henson.com web column in the early 2000s, Muppet writer Jim Lewis was asked to provide information on Astoria.
- Beliefs: Unlike other Shapers in the Council, Astoria wishes to be on good terms with the rebels which is best illistrated by the fact that she allows rebels on her lands. Also, unlike the other Council Members, she believes that the Members should be active in their part as a leader. She believes that the leaders themselves should help when something wrong happens instead of sitting in a chair and ordering people. This is the reason why she helps the protagonist (if you are a Shaper) when the protagonist tries to destroy Ghaldring. Relationships: Alwan: Rawal: Alwan Ending:
- Astoria is in relative terms a extreme unitary state, giving the government in Elysium extreme guidance over its dominions and sectors. Built around the basis of the Constitution of Astoria, the government is held responsible like that of any other republic, but in regards to the way the constitution can change is seen as much more on the lines of a direct democracy. Astoria has a combined judicial and executive branch, with one council member of the Directorate acting as the Chief Justice of Astoria, the de facto leader of the state. The Directorate is elected every four years with each of its nine members up for re-election, with the Chief Justice not having to run for re-election. Several positions are delegated to each of the ten members, whom also act like that of the senate for the n
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| - Vespucci Circus & Wardite Street in Northwood
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