| - Her father Friar Tuck, her uncles Robin Hood, Little John, and Alan-a-Dale, and aunts Maid Marian and Lady Kluck, her friends Skippy, Sis, Tagalong, and Toby, Sir Hiss
| - Small, slender, two-year-old baby anthro hyena, cute, beautiful, light grey skin, long black hair with a fringe on the right side of her bangs, which reach her chin, pointy ears on top of her head, purple calf-length dress with elbow-length sleeves, white, frilly, diaper-like bloomers, large innocent eyes, left blue, right green, short fore nose leading to her small, black nose, white ribbon tied into a bow at the top of her head , black bow-tied shoes, knee-length pink dress with short, puffed sleeves
| - Sweet, generous, mature, excitable, easygoing, timid, brave, smart, innocent, playful, respectful, mellow, childish