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- Kosovo, also the Shared-wealth of Kosovo or Kosova ([[Albanish tongue|Albanish]: Kosova, Republika e Kosovës) is a land in southeastern Europe. The land is hemmed by Albansland and Macedonland in the south, Serbland in the east and north, and Blackhill in the west. Of the 2.4 thousand-thousand dwellers, 92% are Albanish. Prishtina is the headtown (600,000 dwellers) and the rike-aknowledged tongues are Albanish and Serbish. The land set forth its selfhood from Serbland in 2008 and has thus far been acknowledged by 69 folkdoms worldwide. Fatmir Sejdiu is the foresitter.
- Kosovo was a region of Serbia that split off in February 2008. Its communities were torn apart.
- Kosovo är ett land i Sydosteuropa. Efter examen arbetade Löjtnant Dean Barber i Tours i Gulf, Somalia och Kosovo som en del av Operation Allied Force mellan mars och juni av 1999 där han visade enastående ledarskap potential. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 28")
- Kosovo (în ; în scriere chirilică sârbă: Косово), oficial Republica Kosovo (în ; în sârbă: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo) este un stat parțial recunoscut și teritoriu disputat, situat în Peninsula Balcanică, în sud-estul Europei, care și-a autodeclarat independența față de Serbia în februarie 2008.
- Kosovo (/ˈkɒsəvoʊˌ ˈkoʊsəvoʊ/; Albanian: Kosovë, Kosova; Serbian: Косово or Космет, Kosovo or Kosmet), sometimes referred to as Kosovo and Metohija (Serbian: Косово и Метохија, Kosovo i Metohija), is a region in southeastern Europe. In antiquity, the Dardanian kingdom, and later Roman province of Dardania was located in the region. It was part of Serbia in the Middle Ages, during which time many important Serbian Orthodox Christian monasteries, some of which are now UNESCO World Heritage sites, were built. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
- Kosovo is a country in Southeast Europe. After graduation, Lieutenant Dean Barber did tours in the Gulf War, Somalia and Kosovo as a part of Operation Allied Force between March and June of 1999, where he showed outstanding leadership potential. (SG1: "The DVD Collection 28")
- Kosovo je hornaté území u hranic Albánie obklopené ze všech stran pohořími (Kopaonik, Šar planina) s tektonickými kotlinami Kosovo polje a Metohija, oddělenými od sebe až 1042 m vysokými hřbety. Dne 17. února 2008 v 15:50 SEČ vyhlásil kosovský parlament samostatnost, svrchovanost a nezávislost na Srbsku. USA a Evropská unie nový stát vzápětí posvětili ve jménu Alláha, Otce, Syna i Ducha svatého, amen. Pro Srbsko je odtržení Kosova stejné, jako odtržené Sudety pro Československo.
- Kosovo is a disputed country in southeastern Europe. It has a population of about 1,800,000. The capital and largest city is Pristina. It borders Serbia to the north and east, Macedonia to the south, Albania to the west, and Montenegro to the northwest. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played there. Kosovo is a de facto country with 70 countries recognizing its independence
- On écrit Kosovo avec un seul "s", mais on prononce Kossovo comme s'il y avait 2 "s". C'est dommage parce que Cause aux veaux ça nous aurait fait un joli stand au salon de l'agriculture. Des rumeurs indiquent que le nom du pays provient du chocolat de la marque suisse "Ovomaltine", le Chocovo.
- Kosovo - one of those countries that keeps telling her friends she just wants to be single for a while but everyone knows its not gonna happen. After a very public breakup with Serbia, America intervened and is currently over, helping in getting her on "her feet". TMZ has confirmed seeing Kosovo holding hands in public with Albania, but both claim to be "just friends" and recognize each other's independence. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Kosovo, a territory in Europe, is one of the places where Armenian drug lord Margos Dezerian had been interrogated.
- The flag of Kosovo is blue with a golden plane in the shape of Kosovo just below the center of the flag. Semicircling above the shape are six white five-pointed stars, all pointing upward.
- Kosovo is a country in south-east Europe. Formerly part of Yugoslavia, the country gained independence from Serbia in 2008. Serbia refuse to recognize Kosovo's sovereignty and still regard it as part of Serbian territory, as the province Kosovo and Metohija.
- Kosovo was an autonomous province within the republic of Serbia in Yugoslavia, in the Balkans in eastern Europe. Its capital city was Pristina, and other major cities included Đakovica, Mitrovica, Urosevac ( Ferizaj ), Prizren, and Pec (Pejë). (Nightfall)
- Der (oder das?) Kosovo ist, zumindest für einige Staaten der freien Welt, ein eigenständiges Land — halb so groß wie Berlin aber doppelt so arm. Der Kosovo galt bis in die frühen 2000er als Hauptimporteur von blauen Stahlhelmen und den dazu passenden Soldaten.
- Kosovo is a nation in the southern parts of Serbia in the Balkans. Kosovo is partly recognized nation because some of the nations haven't recognized Kosovo's independency from Serbia.
- Kosovo je hornaté územie pri hraniciach s Albánskom, obklopené zo všetkých strán pohoriami (Kopaonik, Šar planina) s tektonickými kotlinami Kosovo polje a Metohija, oddelenými od seba až 1042 m vysokými chrbátmi. Dňa 17. víťazného februára 2008 o 15:50 SEČ vyhlásil kosovský parlament samostatnosť, zvrchovanosť a nezávislosť na Srbsku. USA a Európska únia nový štát vzápätí posvätili v mene Alláha, Otca, Syna i Ducha spetého svätého, amen. Pre Srbsko je odtrhnutie Kosova rovnako významné, ako odtrhnutie Sudetov pre Československo.
- Kosovo is a state located in the European Union region of America. It is a de-facto indescripto hell-hole Independent country in the Ball-cans.
- Ever since the Eurowars the Balkans region, including Kosovo, has been unstable. In 2064 it was reclaimed by Serbia.
- The Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës) is a country located in Balkans. It is a partially recognized state. This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
- Il Kosovo (detto anche Cossuovo e Metohija, Dardania, ossia dall'albanese terra delle pere, o chiamato anche in qualsiasi altra maniera visto che ogni popolo che ci va gli dà un nome diverso) è una regione serba, cioè sarà uno stato indipendente fra circa 3 ore... ah no 2 e 3/4 [citazione necessaria], cioè, insomma... È quasi uno stat... NO! È PARTE DI GRANDE SRBIJA [citazione necessaria]... Uff! Insomma è un posto che forse... ehm, si... fra qualche ora avrà la squadra di calcio per la gioia di Blatter ! [citazione necessaria]... Argh, basta! Ma... sono su Nonci, è vero cazzo!
- When is a country not a country? Kosovo, like Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia, broke away from Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and declared its independence. Unlike the others, it didn't stick and was only recognised by Albania. Part of the problem was that Kosovo is ethnically mostly Albanian, but historically it is very much part of the Serbian national identity - the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, despite being a defeat for the Serbs against the invading Ottoman Turks, is still a matter of great national pride. Media set in or pertaining to Kosovo:
- Kosovo was once an almost totally Serbian land. Under the long Ottoman rule, the land became more and more inhabited by Albanian migrants. The Turkish dominators favored the arrival of Albanians which ended up turning a Christian region into a Muslim-majority one. By the early 20th century, the Serbs were still in the majority, but because of demographic changes such as a high Albanian birth rate and Serb migration, they became the minority. Enver Hoxha, the Stalinist dictator of Albania from 1944 to his death in 1985, took advantage of this and created the precursor to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1979.