| - Ambassador V'Lar was a prominent Vulcan diplomat throughout the late 21st and early 22nd centuries. Her diplomatic career started in 2058. One of her first responsibilities was negotiating the Territorial Compromise, the first territorial accords between Vulcan and Andoria, prior to 2063. Some years later, during a recess of the second Ka'Tann Conference, at Vulcana Regar, she met a young T'Pol, whose presumptuous questions about her negotiating tactics made her reconsider some of her positions. (ENT: "Fallen Hero")
- V'Lar was a Vulcan female who lived during the 21st and 22nd centuries. V'Lar was a notable ambassador who had spent over ninety years as a diplomat, with her career starting shortly before first contact between Vulcan and Earth. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero") V'Lar was fascinated by Humans when word reached Vulcan that humanity had achieved warp flight. However she was concerned about the readiness of humanity to join the interstellar community so soon after World War III. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero")
| - Ambassador V'Lar was a prominent Vulcan diplomat throughout the late 21st and early 22nd centuries. Her diplomatic career started in 2058. One of her first responsibilities was negotiating the Territorial Compromise, the first territorial accords between Vulcan and Andoria, prior to 2063. Some years later, during a recess of the second Ka'Tann Conference, at Vulcana Regar, she met a young T'Pol, whose presumptuous questions about her negotiating tactics made her reconsider some of her positions. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") In the 2090s, she negotiated the Treaty of 2097, another treaty between the Andorians and the Vulcans. This treaty laid out rules and regulations regarding Weytahn/Paan Mokar. (ENT: "Cease Fire") By the 2150s, she was assigned as Vulcan Ambassador to the planet Mazar, where Mazarites had asked the Vulcan consulate to expose criminals who had infiltrated the Mazarite High Council. In February 2152, she had collected enough evidence to testify against the corrupt Mazarites. The Vulcan High Command asked Starfleet to send Enterprise NX-01 because the nearest Vulcan ship was a week away. They said that it was "imperative she be taken off the planet as soon as possible." In contrast to previous encounters with Vulcans since their mission began, Captain Jonathan Archer and Sub-Commander T'Pol were surprised at how personable she was. V'Lar shook hands with Archer, spoke in English with T'Pol, and made a point to meet with Ensign Hoshi Sato to thank her for the use of her quarters. Over dinner in the captain's mess, V'Lar displayed charm and grace. She was unwilling to explain to them the true nature of her return to Vulcan, merely confirming the Mazarite government's cover story of having been found guilty of an unspecified crime. The Mazarite criminal element attempted to capture her, sending a ship to intercept Enterprise. Though Enterprise was able to disable the warship and escape, Captain Archer, angry that his ship had been placed in danger without knowing why, ordered the ship back to Mazar. V'Lar later revealed that she remembered meeting T'Pol at the Ka'Tann Conference. T'Pol eventually persuaded V'Lar to tell Captain Archer the truth, at which point he agreed to resume their original course. They were intercepted again, by two Mazarite warships, which Enterprise proved unable to evade. The Mazarites boarded Enterprise and fired their weapons into a chamber they believed was holding V'Lar, thinking they had killed her, although she was in another part of the ship. The Vulcan ship Sh'Raan arrived and threatened to destroy the Mazarite ships unless they surrendered their weapons, which they did. V'Lar returned to Vulcan aboard the Sh'Raan, with evidence ensuring the criminals on Mazar were exposed. (ENT: "Fallen Hero") In September 2152, V'Lar was mentioned while a Takret captain was searching through Archer's starlog entries. (ENT: "The Catwalk") V'Lar was played by Fionnula Flanagan. In the final draft script of "Fallen Hero", V'Lar was initially described thus; "V'Lar is an elegant woman in her sixties, formally dressed in diplomatic robes, with (as we'll see) a disarming charm. She carries a small, well-worn travel bag." The script also distinguishes her as very different from Vanik. In some scripted dialogue that isn't in the final version of the episode, V'Lar commented, "I hope for the best, of course, but it's only logical to prepare for the worst." In the review reference book Beyond the Final Frontier (p. 368), Mark Jones and Lance Parkin referred to V'Lar as a "memorable" character.
- V'Lar was a Vulcan female who lived during the 21st and 22nd centuries. V'Lar was a notable ambassador who had spent over ninety years as a diplomat, with her career starting shortly before first contact between Vulcan and Earth. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero") V'Lar was fascinated by Humans when word reached Vulcan that humanity had achieved warp flight. However she was concerned about the readiness of humanity to join the interstellar community so soon after World War III. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero") In the 2090s, V'Lar negotiated the first agreements with the Andorian people, laying out the first compromises regarding the issue of the world of Weytahn/Paan Mokar. (ENT episode: "Cease Fire") In the mid-22nd century, V'Lar was Vulcan's ambassador to Mazar. This was part of an operation on the part of the Mazar and Vulcan governments to expose criminals that had infiltrated the Mazarite High Council. In February of 2152, enough evidence was obtained that she would be able to testify against these criminals. Realizing that her life was in danger, the Mazarite government fabricated charges against her so that she could be taken off planet as soon as possible. The Vulcan High Command had Starfleet send the nearest ship, the Enterprise, to retrieve her and take her to a rendezvous with a Vulcan starship. The Enterprise crew, despite interference from the Mazarite underworld, was able to deliver V'Lar safely to the Vulcan ship. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero")