The Circle of Life (200?) is a short animation created by Ilias Sounas.
The Circle of Life is a limited-time attraction released with the Lion King Event, Jungle Book Update on 5th July 2017. It is unlocked during the Come One and All quest when Pumbaa is Level 2.
It is thought that The Circle of Life evolved in parallel with life evolving on the earth. Originally starting as ‘The Straight Line of Life’ it was bent under the weight of the dinosaurs to form ‘The Arc of Life’. From there the circle was the only logical progression much to the consternation of square supporters who still hold protests to this day outside Swiss Embassies. The Swiss claim to have no influence over the shape of the Circle of Life but no one trusts them as they’re generally considered to be quite shifty. The debate remains heated even despite The Circle of Life issuing multiple press releases that state that although a change is likely a move to ‘The Square of Life’ is highly improbable; mostly due to its sharp knee scrapping corners and tendency to stay in on Saturday nig