HIM Emperor Esmond III, currently known as HM King Ptolemy IV in Saqqara, is the current King of Saqqara, as well as a Caesar of Austenasia. Esmond III was Emperor of Austenasia between February 2010 and September 2011, ruling alongside HIM Emperor Declan I from 19 December 2010 onwards, although only nominally from 31 March 2011. He ascended to the Throne after the abdication of Emperor Terry I, and after leading the nation through the Austenasian Civil War significantly strengthened the position of the Austenasian Monarchy, the Throne holding a lot more political influence than it had under the previous Emperor. His reign was instrumental in transitioning the Monarchy from the constitutionally-bound ceremonial role of Terry I to the semi-absolute proactive rule of Declan I. It also resul